[13] A Vampire Always Gets What He Wants

Start from the beginning

“No its okay, I’m fine here,” I replied closing my eyes and snuggling deeper into the couch.

Without warning two hands lifted me up off the couch. I blinked my eyes tiredly, seeing Kurt’s face. “ No…”, I managed to whisper out.

“Sorry Kate, it’s Sebastian’s orders.”

I sighed too tired to argue the point that Sebastian didn’t own me and had no right to make me do something I didn’t want to do.

Kurt placed me on the bed softly, placing the comforter over my body. I snuggled into the pillow, Sebastian’s scent filled my nose sending a feeling of utter relaxation through my body. It almost felt like he was there, beside me, holding me against his strong chest. Just the thought of that sent a feeling of exhilaration through me, and with that I drifted into a dream filled sleep, the image of Sebastian holding me close still fresh in my mind.


I pulled the comforter closer to my face as I took in a deep breath, the heady scent of Sebastian intoxicated my senses. I opened my eyes letting  out a contented sigh as I stretched my arms above my head. That might be the best nights sleep I’ve ever had. Glancing around the room I took in the familiar scene, but this time there wasn’t any unexpected guests.

The room was dark, painted a dark blue that was almost black giving the room a dark and secluded feel. It was pretty bare, except for the basic dresser, nightstand, and bed. Apart from that there wasn’t anything else in the room to add a personal touch, no pictures, no posters, no books,  not even an alarm clock.

I pushed the covers back placing my feet on the soft gray carpet before walking towards the bathroom. After I brushed my teeth and washed my face I opened the bedroom door and poked my head out into the hallway trying to see if Kurt was already up, but I was met with complete silence.

Shutting the door behind me I walked towards the living room expecting to see Kurt stretched out on the couch, but he was nowhere to be seen. Hmm, he must have gone out to get something. This could be my chance to finally escape and get home! I took a step towards the front door but stopped hen the realization that I might never get to see Sebastian stopped me dead in my tracks. Feelings of sorrow and emptiness filled my chest just at the thought. I blamed that on the fact that he knew where I lived now and already met my aunt and Jensen. Not on the fact that I would miss seeing his beautiful blue eyes and the feelings he brought every time he touched me. Though there was no doubt about it, he would do anything in his power to get me back even kill more people I loved.

Out of nowhere the front door opened, revealing Kurt.

“Finally, you’re awake,” he said one side of his lips tugging up into a half-smile. Huh? “How long have I been asleep for?”

“Almost twelve hours, it’s just past twelve in the afternoon.”

Wow….it sure didn’t feel that long, especially with Sebastian being in my dreams but that’s beside the point. “Why didn’t you wake me up?”

“Oh I tried, but you just kept rambling on about…Sebastian,” Kurt said with a small smirk.


I could feel the blush covering my entire face. I can’t believe I was talking in my sleep. Especially about Sebastian!

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