Chapter 1: Did Joe Forget?

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Demi's POV:

Tuesday, May 24, 2010. The date could never escape me. That was the day things went wrong. It was the day my best friend and my love ended our relationship. Joseph Adam Jonas. His excuse was that he didn't want to ruin our friendship. Right. We stopped talking to each other and then on the US tour, we decided to try and be best friends again. It worked a little, but there was an awkward air between us that wasn't there before. Joe and I were acting like ourselves on the duets and maybe started flirting. I was the first to give him a hug and then we'd hug every night. He started bringing Ashley on tour and she didn't treat me nicely. Everyone could see he wasn't the girl for Joe, but he didn't pay attention. I stopped hugging him, I stopped flirting. I just stopped. I couldn't hug the man I love if he was dating someone who wasn't right for him. After the tour, we didn't talk anymore. He was everywhere with Ashley, and I was just with my family and at the Jonases, since Joe was barely there. Then his bitch of a girlfriend requested us to stop singing our duets. It meant we couldn't stand there and sing Wouldn't Change a Thing, a song that had become a song that describes me and Joe, I learned from my fans. It pissed me off and it hurt me to see Joe take the request to his dad, and to have him agree. It wasn't fair. It was the only thing that held Joe and I together anymore.

I looked at my face to check my makeup and walked out my door. "I'm ready." I pushed all my hurt behind for now, ready to let it out in my music. I walked backstage. Luckily, the boys were still at their meet and greet so I could have some time to myself. I got ready with the microphone in my hand and my hand on my hip. Later, I had the electric guitar on me and I was singing Don't Forget. "Somewhere we went wrong, we were once so strong, our love was like a song, you can't forget it..." While singing, I looked at my fans. I realized this song had been meant for one boy, but now it was for Joe. It was like he forget everything about us. It was almost the end, and I couldn't choke them back anymore. "Somewhere we went wrong, we were once so strong. Our love is like a song. You've forgotten...." Tears started streaming down as I ended up The audience showed their sympathy. "About us..." I managed to say as more tears fell from my eyes. "DEMI WE LOVE YOU!" many of my fans screamed.

During intermission, I sat in my dressing room, looking at myself. There was a knock on the door. "Dems, it's Nick."

"Come in," I said looking down at my phone.

He walked in and sat down on the couch. "I heard what happened during 'Don't Forget'." he hadn't gotten ready yet, I noticed. "It's about Joe, isn't it?"

"Why do you think I've cried and sometimes canceled that song?" I asked, even though we both knew he was right.

He sighed and leaned back, making himself comfortable. "I know. Joe's been more and more distant as the days grow. He has all his attention on that vampire."

I giggled at the word "vampire". It was our nickname for her. I scrolled through my twitter and saw my replies. We haven't done the duets for a few concerts now. One tweet said, "@ddlovato @papajonas @joejonas we miss TIS and WCAT. Those were our favorites on tour. Please put them back on tour?" I sighed.

"What?" Nick asked trying to see my phone.

"The fans. They want the duets back. I'd love to them again, but..."

"They don't know the inside story Demi," Nick said standing up. "All they know is that two people who were in love aren't doing so well and they want the best." I sighed again and looked at my phone for more replies and Nick read over my shoulder, "Look at this one, 'I miss when @ddlovato and @joejonas would tweet each other' then a sad face." I looked up at him. "Your fans care about you. See? And that came from a 'Jemi' fan." he smirked.

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up, Nick."

"Hey," he said putting his hands up in defense. "You were the one who said it was never gonna happen, remember? July 3, 2009."

I raised my eyebrow, a little freaked out. "How do you know that?"

He smiled, with no teeth, as usual. "That was the day of your Houston concert, remember? And it's in my favorites on twitter."

I laughed and shook my head. If I was in a bad mood, one of the only people besides Joe that could make me feel better was Nick. "Thanks for stalking me, Nick." I said teasing.

"No problem," he answered with a chuckle. "I really should be getting ready. Intermission is gonna be over soon." with a wave, he left my dressing room.

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