Chapter 5: Maybe It's Not Too Late...?

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Demi's POV:

There was a loud knock on the tour bus door. "Who is it?" I asked. I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone, especially Joe. He was so stupid. I couldn't deal with him right now. "It's Joe." I groaned. "Go away," I said in reply.

"No, we need to talk." I told sense urgency and pleading in his voice.

"No." I said a little harsher than before.

"Ashley and I broke up." he said plainly.

"Whatever, Joe. Don't think you're winning me back just because you broke up with her. Now LEAVE." I yelled, tears threatening to burst. Joe understood and left my tour bus. I curled up in my blanket and took my phone out. I looked at the beautiful picture that I found online. My lips somehow formed into a small smile. It was a sad smile, but it was the first real smile in a long time. I remembered that night so well. Joe had held his hand up for a high five, but I hugged him instead. I felt the world was so right at that time. Little did I know my world was going to come crashing. If only I didn't say those words I said that night in my backyard. I closed my eyes thinking about it.

"We're perfect for each other, what's wrong?" I had stupidly asked when we were sitting on the swings in my backyard.

Joe, in response, looked at me in complete shock. We were silent for five seconds...ten seconds....The moments grew longer as he didn't say a word. "Um, I have to go," I he said awkwardly. He stood and left without another word. I had thought I ruined my friendship with him for good. The next morning, he stood at my door and kissed me. Somehow, in the midst of the memories of my relationship with Joe, I fell asleep.

The next morning, I realized it was our last concert before our break. I smiled. I had to a week away from this nonsense. I love my fans, but I can't deal with the one man who broke up my heart into a million pieces and trying to fix it so foolishly. The day passed with ease as I did my best to avoid Joe. Then the night came. It was already past sound check and I had run into Joe a few times, but I didn't say a word to him. Everything had been fine. I managed not to cry during Don't Forget, although the tears were ready to spill, I held them back. I wouldn't cry, not tonight. Finally, I was singing Not Too Late, the last of the Camp Rock 2 set. "Here I am. feels like the walls are closing in, once again it's time to face it and be strong." I looked out to my fans who were all singing along with me and swaying slowly back and forth. I smiled. They were my strength while Joe is my weakness. They were the reason I'm here today. I looked down at my hands that were playing for a brief moment as I sang out. My eyes scanned the signs that read "I LOVE DEMI" and "DEMI LOVATO ROCKS" and smiled. I was loved. If not by my love, then by my friends, family and fans. I neared the end of the second chorus. "Maybe it's not too late. I'm gonna find the strength to be the one that holds it all together. Show you that I'm sorry but I know that we can make it better," I sang. "If I could take it all back I would now, I never meant to let you all down." I knew at this point, clips from the Camp Rock movies were playing of me and Joe. I tried not to look back because I knew I'd cry. "Now I've got to try, to turn it all around," I couldn't help it. I looked back. "and figure out how to fix this." It was the clip of Joe and I hugging at the end of the movie. I turned back around and kept singing. I couldn't cry, not yet. I held my tears back. "Maybe it's not too late," I sang as I hit the last notes on the piano. I let one tear fall. One. The crowd cheered and I heard "I LOVE YOU DEMI!" in the midst of the cheering. I tried my best to smile for them. "I LOVE YOU! Good night!" I said and quickly ran off the stage. Past Paul, past everyone who was waiting and straight to my room. My tears spilled as I shut the door and ran to my couch. I curled up and just started bawling. I couldn't sing tonight with Joe. My hurt was deeper than the ocean to sing the songs that had our love filled in them. I couldn't do this. Not when my heart hurt so deeply from the pain the beautiful man, my lover, caused. There was a knock on my door. "Go away!" I managed to choke out.

"Demi, it's me." It was Danielle. I sobbed for a moment and tried my best to say, "Come in." Dani walked into the room and sat next to me. I let her pull me into a hug as I sobbed harder. "I-It h-hurts t-too mu-uch." I cried into her shoulder.

"I know," she said softly. "I don't know what's it like, but I understand where you're coming from and the hurt you're feeling. It feels like nothing in the world can make this better, not even your love."

"Exactly how I feel," I whispered.

Danielle nodded. "Sometimes it's time and space that fixes it. This week off should help you get yourself fixed up and try to reasonably talk to Joe when you get back." Time and space is what I need.

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