Introduction : Lizzie

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( I know the photo above is Elvis with a young Brenda Lee, but for the sake of the story, let's pretend it's Lizzie.)

My name is Elizabeth Jesse Presley, but people call me Lizzie. I have dark blonde hair and blue eyes. And yes, Elvis Presley is my older brother. He's older than me by 9 years.
I was born on August 17th, 1944 in Tupelo, Mississippi to proud parents Vernon and Gladys Presley. They were ecstatic to have another child, because they believed they would never have another after Elvis. You see, I am the third of three children: Jesse Garon, Elvis Aaron and me; Elizabeth Jesse. My older twin brothers were born on January 8th, 1935. Jesse, sadly did not survive, he was stillborn.
My middle name came from my older brother, whom my family missed so much. Although I never met Jesse, he's my brother and I miss him more and more everyday. The year is 1954,  and I am now 9 years old and live in Memphis, Tennessee. My family and I moved here when I was 4 years old from my home town of Tupelo. We never had much, money wise. But we had more than enough love for each other to make up for that. This is the story of how my families life, especially Elvis's life, changed forever.

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