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I don't own any of the Kingdom Keeper or PJO and HoO characters. They belong to the authors. I own my character and storyline. Kinda important  a/n at the bottom.

( My book picks up one month after the final battle and the 2nd Titan War.)


{Ellie's POV} 

When the clock on my table showed 1 a.m. I decided to make a break for it. I got out of my cot and walked over to the window opening it revealing  the reinforcement  bars. I started poking at then to see how sturdy the are, and thats where everything goes wrong. All of a sudden an alarm starts to sound then I realize that I probably set it off when I was messing with the bars. Before I know it two guards came barging into my "cell". 

"Get away from the window missy.", spoke the female guard.

Great job Ellie you just made your life so much easier , I thought. I started to turn around to face them and the second I saw their face's they tackled me to the ground.

"What are you doing awake at 1 a.m. opening the window? You'll let the birds in.", spoke a deep male voice.

Then I got an idea, I don't want to use the idea because it drains all of my energy, but what choice do I have?

"Answer our questions,", urged the female guard.

Then I used the gift that i'm locked in here for. Checking to make sure the window is still open, I turned myself into a small caramel-colored wren. Surprised by this the guards started running around trying to catch me. Little did they know I was already flying to freedom.


I've been running for about 3 weeks now, but I guess it's easy for me to say because I can turn into a cheetah. Anyways, let me explain what all went down.

My name is Ellie Grace Anderson, I am 15 years old and I can transform into animals. The bad part about it is that turning, as I call it, drains all my energy and any animal I turn to it resembles me. Any who enough about me, you are probably wondering what I did to end up in a high security military prison, well the answer is that I was born. 

Ever since I was born i've had this "gift" of transformation. About 10 years ago on my 5th birthday there was a knock on my door. My mom stayed in the kitchen with the rest of my family and my step-dad and I went to the door. When we opened it there were two armed military officers. They grabbed me away from my life and ever since i've been at Barracks 14, until now.

It was about 8 p.m. with the sun setting leaving me cheetah sprinting down the interstate. When I saw that I was nearing a small town I decided that I needed some food. Turning back into my human body I walked around the little city. After being on the run for 3 weeks you acquire some bruises and cuts, and you end up pretty dirty. The people gave me weird looks as I passed them but I don't blame them I would give anyone that looks like I do now a funny look. I was having a good time all up until I felt a firm hand on my shoulder stopping me.

"Come with me miss," ordered a low, gruff voice.



Thank you for reading! I don't know if i'll keep writing this story so if you like it please leave me a comment.

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