Mom: Keith?

Me: Hmm?

Mom: The Chance Family invited us to have dinner with them tonight so I need you to get ready before 8...

Me: (sits up) Can't I just stay? I mean...It's just...

Mom: (sits beside me) Lemme guess....Greyson?

I slowly nod my head...My mom let out a big sigh and kissed my forehead...

Mom: Look Sweetie...I know this is a bit awkward for the both of you but...We can't back down...Your Dad already agreed...

Me: (sighs) Mom...I can't face him like this...

Mom: Just be yourself...(smiles) Go shopping with your boyfriend or something....He might help you lighten up...Do you need money?

Me: No Mom...I got my own money...

Mom: Okay..(smiles then walks away)

I sighed and grab my phone...

To: Mike

Wanna go shopping?

I mean, if it's ok with u

From: Keith

While I wait to his reply...I took a quick shower and dressed myself...Suddenly I heard a buzzing sound...

To: Keith

Sure, I'll be there in a few minutes

From: Mike

I went downstairs and flopped on the sofa..I let out a big sigh...Dinner with Greyson and his family...Great...just great...After a few minutes I heard the doorbell ringing...I quickly opened the door and Mike greeted me with a huge hug...

Mike: So...Ready to go?

Me: Yeah..(smiles)


Greyson's P.O.V

I sighed and sat down on some chair...Amber's really caught up on shopping...

Amber: Do you have any other designs?

Saleswoman: Yes...But will you take this?

Amber: No..It looks like crap...

See what I mean? She woke me up in the morning just to go shopping...I'm tired...I really wanna go to bed..I uh-...My eyes widen as I saw someone coming inside the store...It was Keith and Mike...and much worse...they were holding hands...They didn't seem to notice us which is good...I hid behind the pile of clothes...I could hear their conversation...

Mike: Umm...Just choose whatever you like...I'll pay for it. (smiles)

Keith: Uh...It's okay...I'll pay for it...

Mike: No..I insist...

Keith: Mike, I have my own money...

Mike: Keith...I'll pay for it...

Keith: (sighs) Okay...(smiles)

OKay this sucks....Why is fate really so bad to me....Not am I only looking at them all sweet and stuff, now I can hear them...Great just great...Then I was startled when Amber came tapping my head...

Me: Uh...What's wrong?

Amber: (turns around) How do I look? Do I look attractive?

Me: umm...y-yeah...

My Kind Of Perfect [Greyson Chance and Cody Simpson]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें