Tell Me What To Do

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Chapter 29
(1 week later)
Santana's pov:
Its been months since I've talk to Brittney about what happened between us. She always avoids me and I hate it. I need to talk to her amd just tell her how I feel . I got out of my car after parking it in Britts drive way. I knocked on her door and she opened up suprised to see me.

"Santana what are you doing here?" She asked.

I smiled and said,

"Brittney , you know I love you. I have always loved you but , it's hard for me to understand what is happening here. I don't want this to be true but I can't help how I feel I know that but my abuela would kill me if she knew I was gay, my parents would be ashamed of me and, and I'm just scared of what might happen because you Brittney are amazing and beautiful and kind and I'm, I'm a bitch for letting you have feelings for me." I said.

"Santana what is going on?" She asked me.

"I love you Brittney S. Peirce and not just as a friend but as someone who I want to be with as my girlfriend. Someone who I want to kiss in public with and not care what anyone thinks. " I said.

"Santana I'm with Artie you know that." She said.

"So dump him and we can be together." I said.

"In secret? Because apparently that is what I'm hearing you want our relationship to be a secret so you don't have to tell anyone. You want us to hide our love for eachother and Santana thats not fair!" She yelled at me furiously, "It's fair I have to hide us having to kiss or hold hands with eachother , I mean its not the 1940s anymore Santana we can be together and not have to be scared." She said.

"But I have to be ! I have a life too ya know . I have a religious grandmother who I want to make happy and for her not to be upset with me. I have to keep us a secret or it could ruin my life! Don't you get that?" I asked her.

"Of course I do but who cares about that Santana , I love you and you love me so who cares if other people don't approve?" She asked me.

"I do!" I yelled.

"Well then maybe you made a mistake coming here." She said.

"Just tell me what to do Britt. I need you to help me through this." I told her begging.

She came close and took my hand leaning on my head.

"You know what needs to be done Santana and until you can admit to yourself that you truly want me and aren't afraid, then we can't be together." She said and went in her house shutting the door.

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