Because I Knew You Sneak Peek

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Quinns pov:
"You did this!" I yelled at Rachel.

"What?" She asked me.

"You ruined my life, this club ruined my life and I hate you!" I yelled at her.

"Quinn I think about your next words very carefully." She said.

"No, I used to be popular and then my boyfriend dumped me for you, we moved in together and became friends. I hate you Rachel and we should have never became friends and I should have never joined this club!" I yelled .

"Okay you know what thats enough! I took you in Quinn, this club took you in when nobody wanted you. When your parents kicked you out, when you got pregnant with my ex boyfriends baby. I was there for you and so was everyone else. You ruined your life not me, not this club, you! So stop acting like a little kid and get it together!" She yelled at me.

"Ah!" I yelled at her and I pushed her and she fell. Then suddenly she got back up and stormed at me pushing me into the locker.....

Hey guys Because I Knew You will be out tonight so keep an eye out on my page for it.


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