Why We Broke Up part 2

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Chapter 4
( 2 and a 1/2 months ago)
Rachels pov :
Its been 2 weeks since Quinn and I left Lima and went to the Hamptons and I miss Finn like crazy. We talk almost everyday on skype and the phone . Sometimes I wish he would've came with me because I miss him and I'm kind of worried that something will happen while I'm gone. Not that I don't trust him or anything I just don't trust other people like Santana and Brittney. I mean Santana kissed him right in front of me. What am I saying Finn and I our endgame and nothing will change how we feel about eachother or will it? Anyway I was out by the pool when the maid came in.

"Ms.Rachel, someone is here for you." Yolanda the maid said.

"Thank you Yolanda. " I said and went inside. I walked into the house to see Finn there smiling at me.

"Hi Beautiful." He said. I smiled and ran into his arms and kissed him passionatly.

"What are you doing here!" I said suprised.

"I missed you. " He told me.

I smiled amd kissed him passionatly,

"I missed you too." I told him. "So how long are you going to be here?" I asked him.

"5 days ." He told me.

"Thats not nearly enough time." I told him.

"I know but you'll be back soon." He told me.

I smiled and kissed him passionatly again,

"Come on lets go suprise Quinn." I said and we went outside.

(4 days later )
Its been 4 amazing days with Finn and today is his last day he goes back home early tomorrow morning. Finn and I were in the pool relaxing when he floated over to me and said,

"You wanna go on a date?" He asked me.

"Sure where do you wanna go?" I asked him.

"Well thats a suprise for you to find out. Now go get all dolled up okay." He told me.

I smiled and said,

"Fine, but first..." I then jumped on him taking him under water and kissing him .

(2 hours later)
"Okay I'm all ready to go." I said.

"Awesome , you look beautiful Rach. " He told me smiling.

"Awe thank you, you don't look so bad yourself. " I said smirking amd we left.

(1 and a half hours later )
Finns suprise was taking me to the city and out to dinner . After a very romantic dinner we were walking in Central Park .

"It's so beautiful in the city." I told him.

"I know right." He said.

"This city is everything I want who knows maybe I'll come back after graduation next year. " I told him.

"Mr.Shue said next year for Nationals we're going to New York. " He told me.

"That would be amazing. " I said.

He took my hand and said,

"Rachel there's something I need to tell you it's important. " He told me.

"Whats going on?" I asked him concerned.

He sat me down on a bench and sighed ,

"Rachel I did something awful and I am so so sorry I just need you to promise me that when I say it what I'm about to say you won't hate me." He said.

I smiled and said,

"Finn I could never hate you." I told him.

"You will after I tell you what happened." He told me.

I suddenly got scared,

"Finn whatever it is just tell me." I said.

I looked down avoiding eye contact,

"I cheated on you Rachel , with Amy." He told me.

Suddenly my heart broke in half . I felt nauseous like I could puke and then I did. I puked right on his shoes.

"Rach. " He said.

"Just take me home." I said wiping my mouth and I got up and we left.

( that night)
After I puked on Finn , I went home and got a shower . I came out of the bathroom to see Finn sitting on my bed .

"How you feeling?" He asked me.

"Get out." I said blankly.

"Rach can we just talk about this?" He asked me.

"Get out!" I yelled furiously at him.

"Rachel please!" He yelled.

"No Finn!" I yelled angrily at him. "You cheated on me ! How could you! "How could you Finn! After everything we've been through you want to ruin it with her! Why her!" I yelled furiously at him crying .

"Rachel I'm sorry it was a stupid mistake." He told me.

"Damn right it was." I said.

"Well its not like you can't find it in your heart to forgive me." He said.

"Thats just it Finn! I can't forgive you Finn , I want to so badly but I can't! What happened to you're the only one for me or I will never stop loving you huh? What happened to I will never break up with you or I will never hurt you? What happened to I love you? " I asked him hopelessly.

He looked at me and said,

"I still love you that will never change. " He told me.

"But it has." I said. We stood there silently and I wiped my tears and said , "I'm sorry but I can't forgive you, I love you and as much as it pains me , I just think we're better off a part then together. " I told him.

"Rach, don't give up on us because if you do than , I... I don't think I'll be the same." He said.

"You're not though , I look at you and all I can think about is you and her kissing and I, I can't put myself through that, I deserve better Finn." I told him.

"Rachel please." He begged.

"I'm sorry Finn, its over." I said and left to go into Quinns room.

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