Chapter 9

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Cristian's P.O.V

Colour came back to her face, her muscles were moving and twitching slightly and I could hear her heart beating in rhythm. She suddenly jerked up and spat water out the was held in her lungs for more then an hour. She was in a bent- kneeled  position and her body stayed like that for a minute or two.

Slowly manuring my hand towards her shoulder.

"Ava..?" I said

Her arms, legs and whole body began shaking and her body twisted and she fell on her side  and I moved back. She was foaming at the mouth, her eyes were rolled back and her skin turned white like a sheet and her petite body vigorously shook and jolted.

My mind was racing on what to do to help her.

"Damien where are you and can you get here with Dr.Brockovich!! My mate Shes having a fit!"shouted through our pack link.

"Alpha some of our young trainees were injured during training so she's attending to them. But she will try her best." He said with cautiousness

I shifted into my wolf and picked her body up and ran to the pack doctor as fast as I could.

Almost in sight of the pack house I could feel her body going limp and her heart beat slowing down. I ran faster and burst straight the doors.
Everyone bowed in respect, snarling and growling at them to move out of my way.

Damien came out and saw my mate in my arms and nodded. I laid her frail, limp and cold body on the ground and I shifted back into the human form and I was passed a pair of shorts and I gently picked her up again and cradled her into my body almost though I could mold her into my body.

Walking down the corridor and into a room where the air was sanitised and the bed sit was cleansed. I laid her down and stood luminously over her.

" she's dying isn't she ?" I asked the Dr Brockovich

" no she's just ahh- I've never seen anything like it before it's strange." She said

"Well  make her better cause it's your life that will be ended  if she does die." I stated

"Alpha she'll be fine hopefully with some fluids and rest she'll be right as rain in a few days tops maybe even a week for full recovery ." She said reassuringly

I nodded and sat beside the bed whilst she laid there helplessly unconscious and I as her mate can do nothing to help. I watched the doctors every move by putting fluids into her arm to checking and monitoring her pulse and heart rate.

A few weeks passed and here I was as I stared out of the window of my office watching like a hawk from bird eye view all the living things below moving or drinking, hunting and playing or in my case watching the pups being trained to fight and defend themselves and the women talking and taking the very young ones inside to play with the other children. I sighed it'd be two weeks and she hasn't woken up, this is all my fault if I'd have pulled her out sooner she'd be living not in a some sort of coma.

I slumped on the couch with my head and my hands massaging my temples. The door opened and closed and the sound of heels was the only thing that could be heard, oh for fuck sake anyone but that annoying bitch.

"So I heard you've replaced me as the Luna and your rightful mate." Savannah said obnoxiously

"If you know any better by now I suggest to fuck off and you'll never be my mate and Luna of this pack." I said angrily

My eyes turned dark as my wolf was rising becoming angry and more distressed and the minutes passed.

"WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT?!" She screamed

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jun 05, 2017 ⏰

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Never let me go..Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ