Chapter 6

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Cristian's P.O.V
Did I hear her correctly ?

"Well I know your going to reject me so why don't you just say it now and save me the heartache. Plus you already have someone by what that guy said in the woods so why would you want me? And that moment in the woods was nothing more then you satisfying your lustful needs" she said

Still with her head against my chest I played with her hair the question prying constantly on my mind, repeating over and over again.
I sighed then made her turn to me as I looked into her eyes I saw someone who was mentally, physically and emotionally broken but her face showed nothing but her eyes showed me more then she wanted me to see. I brought her hand up and placed a kiss on ever so gently and turned on my heel walked out of the room.

"Damien ?" I said through our mind link.

" yes Alpha" he said

"I want you to come to the music room and see to my mate and help her pack her belongings for we will be leaving shortly. Then bring her to the dining room for we shall eat before we leave." I said

" well done, you finally found her hopefully Savannah will keep out of the way from now especially that Roseanne." he said

Hearing their names makes me sick.
Her father came around the corner and bowed in respect.

"Thank you for hosting a dinner in my Honour and for welcoming me into your home Alpha Phillips for the mating ceremony."I paused

"Can you have everyone seated for the meal and my mate will be joining us before we leave. I wouldn't want to waste the food that so much effort was put into." I continued

"The pleasure is all mine alpha Cristian. Everyone will be seated when your... mate comes to join us." He said and bowed in respect and walked back around the corner and towards the great hall.

Ava's P.O.V

Ok I'm confused literally. Was walking away after playing with my hair rejecting me?

"Ava shut up he didn't reject you" my wolf said

"Clearly he did his actions showed me a differ." I stated

I began to make my leave for the door when another male walked in I think he's his beta or something.

"Hey you must be Cristian's mate and I'm Damien his beta."he said

"No I'm not his mate" I replied even though it hurt I knew it was the truth I'm unlovable always have been and always will be. Nothing is gonna change it.

He looked confused by what I said. Then he gently grabbed my arm and pulled me down the corridor. Ok Ava just go with it for now then run to your room.

" by the way I have orders to help you pack your belongings for we will be leaving for the black Raven pack soon after the feast." He said

"I'm not going with anywhere of you." I said gloomily

" look you can make this easier for me and show me where your room is and I'll pack your stuff with you and then come to the feast with me or I can get bollocked by Cristian your choice. Now what's it gonna be?" He said arching his eyebrow


Hmmm should I lie? I could, then make a run for it.

"Okay fine." I sighed " it's just around the corner. Now will you please let go of my arm." I asked him nicely

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