Chapter 1

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Ava's P.O.V

Waking up in a nice comfy and fluffy bed is the best feeling ever. Also having Oreos, Ben and Jerry's cookie dough ice cream is the best feeling ever. Hmmm probably need peanut butter for the Oreos.

From outside my door all I can hear was shouting. Already knew was about to happen....
Swinging my legs over the side of the bed my gaze stayed on the white carpeted floor. The door flew open with such force I'm surprised it didn't come off the hinges.
My father walked through the threshold of my room and stood over me like a hawk hunting its prey below.
"Ava do you have any idea what time it is? He said angrily

"It's only 8:30. It's not that late." I squeaked

Looking at the alarm clock on my beside table, not making eye contact with my father.

"Did you just answer me back?" He said now forcing my head upwards to meet his gaze.
Wincing by the grip he had on chin.

" No she didn't answer you back she merely sign languaged the sentence to you." My wolf replied sarcastically.

I tell her through our link to shut up even though what she said was hilarious but if I laughed now, all hell of  breaks loose.

"Did you just answer me back?" He repeated

Shaking my head slowly making sure he doesn't repeat himself again. One thing I learned at a young age my father doesn't like repeating himself.

"Good" he simply stated before releasing the grip on my chin.

"Make yourself useful for once and tell the pack members there's a meeting at 11:45" he continued. Then he walked out of my room.

Without question I did as I was told. But first I got some clothes and clean underwear, Grabbing a pair of ripped black pants and a tank top then ran into the bathroom to get changed.

Few hours later....

For the last few hours I've been walking around this eerie pack house. Which I remember a long time ago was once filled with laughter, love and joy. Memories play in my head and I could still hear her laughter echoing down these abandoned halls. Oh how I longed to see her face again. If only.

Bringing myself out of my thoughts I continued to look for everyone, but they weren't in sight. I checked the training grounds, the nursery and I looked half way through the forest near the pack borders. My feet ached and began to make my way back to house and The lights of the great hall were on and I could see people gathering as I peeped from the stained glass window from outside and sounds of muffling coming from there as well.

Out of curiosity I entered the house and pushed the wooden door and yet again being made a fool. Everyone in the ash shadow pack stood silently, obediently and waiting till their arsehole of an alpha a.k.a my sperm donor of a dad to continue speaking.
I stood in the back of the great hall and I could feel a pair eyes boring into my face. The amused voice eventually spoke up.

"Now my useless,impotent and worthless daughter finally decides to grace us with her pathetic existence. There's something tremendous happening in a few days." he said with a smile

For a moment there I thought I was looking at the old father I once knew. The one that I used to dote on and will always run to and he'd pick me up and swing me around. Even though people were talking I could the echoes giggles and a manly laugh that hovered around in my ears.

" The alpha king will be visiting our delightful...."

DELIGHTFUL! That isn't even the word to describe this hellhole.

Never let me go..Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora