Chapter 3

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The rays of sunlight shone through my little window of the damp, dark room that I was roughly shoved into yesterday. I took off the rags that I slept in last night and put on a pair of skinny jeans and a white tank top. Well wearing these comfy clothes didn't last long.

"I suggest you put those rags back on Ava for the job you'll be doing later, you'll need to look like that." My father chuckled evilly.

What exactly in my life time did I ever do to him to deserve this?!

"Why are you doing this to me? What did I ever do to deserve this?" I said

"My dear girl I'm doing this because you deserve it and what did you do to me? You ask? Just by being born is what you did to me, I never wanted a girl because they are weak and pathetic." He stated calmly " I wanted a boy one who could lead this pack into success but no your bitch of a mother gave me you instead" he finished with disgust written on his face

"My mother was your mate! How can you speak that way about her?! And it isn't my fault you couldn't control your lust. Maybe if you kept your dick in your pants where it was suppose to be I wouldn't be here. So who's to blame for my existence" I said clenching my fists at my side

"Watch your tougue my girl or it will be your last time you'll talk to anyone" he said looking me dead in the eye

My throat clenched for a moment stopping me from speaking for a second or so. The feeling went and I could speak again.

"Your my father, your supposed to love me and protect like any other father would do. Not fucking once have you done that and protected me" I shouted from across the room

Tears began to form within my eyes and eventually streamed down my face.

"Loved you? Hahaha. How can anyone love you? Plus I have protected you, do you not live here anymore? Yes you do live here. Now enough of this shit get back into those rags and don't show your face until I say so." He said dryly before walking out of my room

I stayed silent for the words of my father  said pained me. I walked towards my bed and sat there and cried. Sobbing as I took off my comfy clothes and back into the rags then laid on the bed and stared at the ceiling thinking about my whole life.

Later that day...

Cristian's P.O.V

It was the last time to check if we have everything before we set off towards the ash shadow pack.

All the paperwork was done.
All our bags were packed. Small essentials for the mating ceremony.

I left my father in charge even though he retired years ago whilst I searched for my mate and in his words exactly "bloody hurry up and find your mate I'm too old for this now"
I just plan on doing that.

Waiting outside for my beta, leaning against my matte black Audi R8 with emitted lights at the front. This was my baby nobody drove her but me and me only.

"Cristian we are all set to go." Damien said

I nodded in response as he loaded the duffle bag into the trunk and I clambered into my car and started it up .

Damien climbed into the passenger seat beside me. He looked at me as though I was on edge but my wolf didn't help since he was pacing around my mind.

"Dude chill we'll find our mate, hopefully she's at this pack we're going to." I said reassuringly

"I know we will but I want her and I need her now." He whimpered

I know how he feels but demanding or wanting something won't make it happen nor will it come to you.I learnt that the hard way thanks to my ever so lovely mother god rest her soul.

Never let me go..Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora