Chapter 12: Friends are your Competition

Start from the beginning

"Thank you Katie and Maddie for actually fixing your corrections!" Abby added.

"Jojo do I have to tell you again! Your late!" Abby yelled

I kept running the correction trough my head I really didn't want to get yelled at by Abby.

Pirouette, front walkover, surprised face, illusion, front Aerial, Grab Maddie's shoulder, side kick, Grad Jete to the left, Fouetté.

I did all the moves correct and added my facials. Abby finally got everyone to fix all the major corrections.

"Good practice girls! I need Maddie and Katie in here I want to see your solos, Mackenzie and Jojo I want you in Studio B working with Gia. Nia and Kendall I want you in the trampoline room working on tumbling with the mini's."

Maddie and I stayed in the studio and waited for the other girls to leave. We both stood next to each other in front of Abby.

The camera men came a bit closer so thy could record is and what Abby was about to say.

"Girls you too are my soloist this week. I honestly can see the competition going either way. I know we have made you very welcomed here Katie but your not safe. Let's just say I will not be happy with third place."

I fell my face get hot and I became very nervous. Abby looked to Maddie. "Maddie your on a five time winning streak." Abby paused, "Are you just going to let the new girl waltz in and take that away from you? Keep this in mind while your dancing." Abby added.

"Okay let's see these solos" Abby said "Maddie you first." I walked to the mirror and sat down. Abby started to play Maddie's music.

She danced beautifully and her facials were perfect! I didn't know how I was going to beat that. But I just had to, if I beat Maddie I would get off probation if not it was another week I wouldn't be in the group dance

Abby and I both clapped as Maddie finished her solo. "Okay Katie your up."

I got up and Katie sat down whereI had been sitting. I strutted into my starting position as I waited for the music to start,

When the music started playing I danced my heart out. I ignored the competition and danced with my heart. I felt the music flow through me and I become one with the story. I Applied all my correction and used my facials.

When I finished the dance both Maddie and Abby clapped for me and I smiled. "Okay girls both solos look really good! I don't know, who's gonna win?" Abby asked. "Okay I want you girls to work on corrections with Gia, make sure to send Mackenzie and Jojo in here for the duet." Abby added.

We both walked into studio B. "Abby wants you guys to work on the duet with Abby now." Maddie said to Jojo and Mackenzie.

"Alright." Mackenzie said walking out of the room with Jojo.

"Okay let work on corrections." Gia said putting a piece of paper down she was holding.

Both Maddie and I took turns practicing our solos and getting corrections from Gia.

"Okay girls, we'll work on this tomorrow." Maddie and I nodded. "Can you tell Nia and Kendall to come in here to do a technique class, you guys can switch out helping the mini's with tumbling in the trampoline room."

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