Youtube fight #ricegum

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Ok guys,before we start.if you don't like explicit language,and ricegum styled roasts,plus my boss ass bitchness,exit this chapter and go read a book about unicorn.


Please read to the end.

So I haven't had a real rant since Amanda,and this is a perfect opportunity to have one.

So everyone knows what YouTube,you watch videos,comment your opinions and whatnot.

Now I watched a video a month back if you look at my was a short film,and it's called the crush.

So basically this kid idk he's like in third or fourth grade,and he has a crush on his teacher.

Ok,I get it.its a phase il and don't really I continued watching ok,and this boy finds out that his teacher is engaged to this guy that the boy doesn't approve he makes a plan.he gets a toy gun for his birthday-from his dad.

And may I add on its looks EXACTLY LIKE A REAL GUN AIGHT.

So he goes up to her partner one day and says stuff like ,your not gonna marry her,let's have a duel.the guy being cocky as he is accepts it,and it's scheduled for the next day.

the boy is aware the gun looks like it's a real one,but no one who's actually watching the video thinks it's fake.when I was watching it a this point I thought it was real,we find out later that it's fake.

They meet in the school yard I guess and the fiancé thinks it's all a joke,like he was just playing with the kid-but the boy is dead serious.He takes out the gun and points it to his head then say "if you marry her (I forgot her name lol)I would shoot you.

Then just then the teacher runs up.she watches,doesn't say shit.(what a bitch)
Then he tells the boy he crazy,the boy repeats himself,and the guy gets scared and says ok ok I won't.

Then they realize it's a fake gun and the teacher doesn't marry that jerk.YAY

Ok my thoughts:WTF MAN!?!if I'm being held at gunpoint I would've done the same thing the guy did!!

Before you say I'm a betrayer or something,I would've thought out my options.say no and die(bc they did thought it was a real gun what if it was?")but I would say ok to put the boy at ease then when I'm not in that position I would've marry doesn't mean I still don't love her and I was all a lie,it means I wanna at least live so I could marry you and do whatever else x/y/z

Not to mention that bitch just stood there like after that why would I wanna marry her tf.

But that's not really the point.i commented;(it's about to get real lmao )

i commented;(it's about to get real lmao )

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