2.)timeline of my day

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I'm just gonna do the timeline of my day for yesterday bc today barely started yet.


11:00-woke up ;brushed my teeth

11.30;made my self breakfast.myself. But then my mom told me to make my sisters something😒

12:00/12:30went on my phone to find my friend eryn telling me about her bombass trip (not fair)

12:45 my friend texted me some details about a yearbook we are suppose to make for class.

1:30-I took a shower

2:00-watched u.s combat food rations packages opening on YouTube (I really find it interesting tbh)

3:00-I are cookies and watched Hannah Montana on my dvr

4:00-I left to go to the beach with my sisters and parents.

4:30-we reached and the first thing I did was go in the water even tho it was kinda chilly bc I'm just that rebel (fr like their was like only kids near the shore but I was the only person along with my dad that was rlly in the water me that.)

4:45-tried to protect my food and hair from the seagulls that was flying around

6:12-we left the beach

6:20-my dad tried to get a grasshopper out of the car.

6:30-when we was driving I passed by the place where I'm gonna have my prom + cold stone

7:00-I reached home and took another shower.

7:20-just sat on my phone

8:00-ate pizza

9:25-watched the parent trap and fell asleep while watching it.

12:34-I woke up and went in my room

;the end

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