Mirrors Might Not Show What You Want

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WARNING!: HUGE trigger chapter! If you feel like this chapter hits too close to home, I apologize. You're all beautiful and special in your own ways! Got that? GOOD! BTW, this is probably one of the most feels-y chapters that I will write in this story.

Y/N POV: I woke up groggily.

   "What happened?" I questioned to anyone who would listen. Both Light and LSE turned towards me. I looked at my surroundings, a pure white room with a grey bed with grey covers. This must be Light's room. Light and LSE approached me.

   "You were tortured by VSP... Somebody that none of us knew existed..." LSE answered. 

   "What was he like?" Light asked. I racked my brain for answers until I finally remembered.

   "They were created by humans... Evil scientists who did a bunch of tests on them... Until they decided that that wasn't enough and made them into a single person... Their faces were melted together and it was like they were split in half but were still a whole person..." Light ans LSE looked horrified.

   "They hate humans because of that... Wilford found them... And he basically brain washed them into thinking that you guys would never accept them into the family... So VSP decided to team up with Wilford." Light shook his head.

   "That's terrible... And why did he... Sorry... THEY torture you?" Light asked.

   "They told me that I was the bargaining chip for Host... They said that if Host saw me getting tortured, he would immediately side with them so I could be safe."

   "So they were using you to get the strongest iplier on their side?" I nodded.

   "That's just awful. At least Host didn't agree with Wilford and got you both out of there." My mind immediately went to Host. I shot up from the bed and groaned at the sudden excruciating pain. LSE ran up towards me and made me lay down again.

   "You cannot move that quickly, Y/N! You'll tear open the stitches!" LSE warned me.

   "Where's Host? And, what stitches?" Light answered for me.

   "Host can come in and see you soon. As for the stitches, they're all over your body... I'm afraid that you won't look the same for the rest of your life..." Light looked down sadly. It was at that point I realized that I couldn't see out of my left eye...

   "H-hand me a m-mirror please..." I stuttered nervously. Light and LSE looked at each other. Light nodded to LSE. LSE moved nervously to grab a mirror. Once he did, he brought it over to me. I snatched it from him quickly, taking a scared look. I nearly screamed. Who was this person? Wait... That's me?! I dropped the mirror and it shattered on the floor. I let out a heaving sob. I couldn't get my own face out of my mind.

   A huge scar ran down my face, starting from the top left side of my face. It then went down and onto my eye, finally making it's way to the right corner of my mouth. So... Is that why I couldn't see out of my left eye? Light and LSE hugged me close to them as I sobbed louder.

   "W-what happened to my eye?" I finally got out after a few minutes.

   "After we healed you... We saw that that part of your face was beyond our power to help... VSP must have taken a huge knife and dragged it across your face... Do you remember that, Y/N?" Light asked. The more that I thought about it, I did. It was why I was screaming so loud. I cringed and closed my eyes as I nodded.

   "Why can't I see?" I realized that there was a bandage similar to the Host's over my left eye. But it only covered my left eye... It was bloody.

   "VSP basically damaged your eye beyond repair... We had to remove it so it didn't cause any further issues." LSE answered sadly. "Y/N... I'm so so sorry." My whole world collapsed at that point. I had lost my eye? So... I didn't have depth perception any more? I voiced my question to Light and LSE, they just nodded slowly. I cried out, not being able to take the emotional stress anymore. I tried running out of the bed, going anywhere else so nobody could see me. I screamed as Light and LSE held me down on the bed. I just screamed louder, not knowing what else to do.

Selena's POV: When I saw Y/N when Host brought her back, I was heartbroken. She looked broken, shattered, destroyed, dead. I knew she wasn't though when I saw the small movement of breathing on her chest. I sobbed into Anti when Light and LSE took her away. Anti calmed me down. He shushed me and brought me into his chest, not letting me go.

   "Shshsh, it's okay, she'll be okay. I would put my own life in Light and LSE's hands, so I believe that they will take great care of Y/N." I just nodded and continued to sob into Anti. It's not that I didn't trust Light and LSE, it's more of the fact at how Y/N looked so dead and broken that I was worried they could never fix her. 

   After a couple of hours, Light and LSE came out, asking for Doc to do some stitching on Y/N. They informed us that she was okay, but there were some differences that would be prominent on her. I asked what they meant and they said that we could visit her in a few hours. 

   It was around seven in the morning when they said that they were finally done and they were just waiting for Y/N to wake up. I sighed with relief.

   "Can we see her?" I asked, gesturing to me and Kim. Light and LSE looked wary.

   "A-alright. Just be quiet because she's sleeping." LSE informed. Me and Kim both nodded and followed them to Light's room. I found Y/N's sleeping figure on Light's bed. I covered my mouth and gasped when I saw her face. Kimberly's mouth was just hanging open as she let out a quiet sob.

   "What happened to her face?" Kimberly asked, I was about to ask the same thing.

   "I thought you said that you could fix her! Why does she look so broken?!" I near yelled. Y/N stirred in her sleep as Light and LSE shushed me and told us how they fixed her to the best of their abilities. 

   "Unfortunately, her eye had to come out, or it would've just caused her more pain." I shook my head, hand still covering my mouth. LSE and Light escorted me and Kim out as I sobbed.

   It was ten in the morning when I heard screaming... Y/N?!?! I dashed to Light's room to find Y/N sobbing and struggling against LSE and Light to get out of the bed. LSE saw me come in and looked at me, hopefulness in his eyes. 

   "SELENA! Grab that needle on the counter! It's a sedative! She needs to calm down!" I ran and grabbed the needle, looking at Y/N softly as I tried to figure out what to do... I couldn't just do that to her! Y/N looked at me, obviously hoping that I wouldn't do what she thought I might. I just shook my head, tears rushing down my face.

   "It's for the best, Y/N." I said to her quietly before stabbing it into her shoulder. 


I hope that that was a good chapter! Sorry for the triggers. But, in all honesty, you're all beautiful people and you deserve only the best! If you struggle with depression or anxiety or any other kind of disorder or something like that, I'm always here to talk with you!

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