A Bit of Backstory

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Selena's POV: I can't believe I just stared at Anti like that. But it wasn't my fault! He's just so cute! And what was that when he was flexing! It was hot! But, he probably did that just for the laughs. Nobody as hot as Anti would like me... I was starting to feel bad when Y/N grabbed my arm.

"Hey, you okay, Selena? I thought we lost you!" Y/N looked terrified.

"What do you mean?" I asked curiously. Y/N still looked worried.

"You blanked out for a couple of minutes and you wouldn't respond to any of us, not even me or Kimberly." Dammit! I did it again didn't I? Sometimes I would get so lost in my own world that I might blank out or have these weird visions that I just couldn't explain. It was terrifying and weird as hell! (If you want to see more stuff like that, check out my friend's story, My Crimson Regret.)

"Yeah, I'm f-fine." I said shakily. Y/N gave me a disapproving look. But she let it slide and so did Kim, as they both knew how this happened to me and how I was just prone to it happening every now and again. It didn't happen too often which I was totally thankful for.

TIME SKIP BROUGHT TO YOU BY LUCKY CHARMS!!!!!!------------------------------------------------------------------

Y/N POV: Host and Dark had gotten a couple more bedrooms next to my new one, (the cell wasn't working out as well as Host had hoped,) for Kim and Selena. It was nice to finally live in the same house as them. I didn't know for how long we would be here, but I didn't really care. My mom never called, my father was... Dead. And I didn't have any other immediate family members. The same thing went for Selena and Kimberly.

Dark had promised us that he would introduce us to the rest of his family tomorrow during breakfast, which would, undoubtedly, be awkward. I heard somebody walk into my room. I looked up sleepily, it was Kim and Selena.

"What are you guys doing up?" I questioned, I looked behind them and saw another figure and I almost screamed, almost. Instead, I yelped and fell off of my bed and into somebody's arms, Anti. I smiled and thanked him while I stood back up. "What are you guys doing?" I asked again. Anti apologized and said that he wanted to talk with the three of us in private. I nodded and walked with them into another room, which I assumed it was Anti's.

The walls were covered in neon green and black paint. There was different kinds of weapons lining the walls as well, to make it look like an old dungeon. There were four seats pulled out for the four of us and we all sat down in one.

"Okay, so I didn't want to talk about this during the daytime when everybody else was up, so I figured around midnight would work better, when everybody else is asleep." We all nodded and waited for him to continue.

"What's so important?" Kim asked, sleepily, she must've just been woken up before me. That means... Selena and Anti were alone... Uhh.....

"I just wanted to talk to you guys about the Host a little bit more. As you guys can probably tell, Host is a bit special needed. He has a bit of a speech impediment that he was born with that makes him always talk in third person about himself. It's weird and rare but that's kind of what this family is all about. Host was also born with working eyes like a normal person, but... Only a couple of years later, Dark was born, without any eyes... Dark basically took them from the Host, since none of us were really born as babies, just adults that look like the human that we came from.

"Host was, of course, was blinded after Dark stole his eyes. Host was very bitter for a while after this happened. We thought that it might be best for him if we kept him in The Lab for a little while until he calmed down about the whole situation. Host was left in seclusion for two years straight... And then, a few days ago, he got out thanks to me... And that's when he found you, Y/N. Host, of course, would still eat and stuff like the rest of us, just not WITH us... He would always... Erm... How do I say this...? Let's just say that if there was anybody that came to visit him, Host would be a bit, HOSTile. (See what I did there? I'll stop.)

"And with humans it was worse... Like, if there was a human that ever came to Raspy Hill, which is very uncommon, if they ever saw Host... He would... Um..." Anti made a throat cutting motion with him thumb. My breathing hitched a little bit. "So it was surprising, Y/N, that the Host liked you at all. He usually hates humans... And, no offense, Kim and Selena, but I'm not so sure that Host likes you two either. I won't let anything happen to you two, but, just be weary whenever you're around him okay?" Kim and Selena swallowed nervously and nodded.

"So, what I'm trying to say here is that Host has had a rough life, and he likes to... Do things to those who hurt him."

"Then why hasn't he hurt you? I mean you locked him down there." Selena asked carefully.

"I was the one who decided to bring the Host food. And I was the one who kept him company during the daytime. But Host always missed being outside, so when I accidentally left his cage open, he left and found you, Y/N. And, well you know the rest." I felt bad for the Host, he had such a terrible life, and nobody seemed to like him... I get it, it's hard to be friends with somebody who has special needs but... It's depressing that nobody ever REALLY gave him a chance, like his brothers didn't either.

Anti told us that that was all that he wanted and we could go back to our rooms. We all left but I stayed behind and thanked Anti for telling me all of this.

"No prob Y/N." He smiled a genuine smile in my direction. I nodded and walked off. As I went back to my bed I drifted into a dreamless sleep... That is, until I woke up again around 3AM to feel somebody shaking me awake.

"Y/N...?" A shy voice asked me.

"Host?" I asked back quietly.

"Yes... Host can't sleep, and Host is really tired... Maybe... Host doesn't know... Could you maybe help the Host get back to sleep?" He asked shyly. UGH! He was so freaking cute when he was shy! Wait.... Did I just think that?! Yes I did...

"Yeah, sure..." I yawned a bit. "Just give me a minute or two to get up a bit." The Host nodded as I got up and stretched. "Aw man I'm tired." I said quietly.

"Do you want Host to help you to the Lab?" The Host asked quietly.

"Umm. Sure... But I don't- Woah!" I felt myself getting picked up by the Host bridal style. I put my arms around his neck and I leaned into his chest. I felt his steady heart beat pick up as I leaned into him. I smiled at his nervousness and started to fall asleep again, until I realized that I was in the Host's cell. The Host put me down and I sat on the bed. He looked shy as hell but he still sat down next to me and lied down beside me. I lied down as well and wrapped us in a blanket.

"How do you want me to help you fall asleep?" I whispered in his ear.

"C-could you m-maybe sing the Host a song or something..?" He asked shyly. I smiled and started humming some relaxing songs in his ear. (Insert song.) He started to fall asleep as his breathing got more slow and heavy. Eventually, after about the 5th song, I lied down next to him and tried to fall asleep. I shivered, as The Lab seemed to always be cold. The Host seemed to sense my distress and turned around to me, pulling me into his warm trench coat-ed chest. I smiled, took in his scent, and fell asleep next to him. I didn't know though, that up in the mansion above, the same thing was happening with Selena and Anti. (As Selena couldn't fall asleep.)


That moment when you say that a chapter is gonna be short but it's the longest one that you've ever done! XD oh well. You guys aren't complaining are you? I hope you enjoyed my little Diamonds, see ya later!

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