Breakfast Part 2

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WARNING: If your father has died, I am extremely sorry for your loss. This might be a trigger chapter.

Y/N POV: I felt safer now that the Host had kept me close with him. He ate all of his food, seemingly happy while he did so. I finished my food as well, extremely full after I had done so. 

   "Mmm, that was so good!" I said, the Host laughing as I said so.

   "Host's food was good too. But the Host is super full now." I chuckled. Host leaned in and whispered in my ear, "If any other iplier bothers you, Host can take care of them for you. Host doesn't like it when Host's brothers get too controlling. They always think that they can get what they want." I smiled at how the Host was getting really protective over me. I leaned onto his shoulder and closed my eyes. I felt Host's heartbeat speed up as he got more nervous from the touching. I breathed out a chuckle that sounded tired. 

   "I could stay like this for a long time." I said quietly to him.

   "Host agrees." I felt him say. I smiled at how he was getting more comfortable with the two of us getting closer. I was enjoying my time with the Host in my own little world, until Dark coughed and got the ipliers attention. 

   "Now that we've all eaten, I'd like to introduce all of the ipliers to our new guests. How about each of you stand up and introduce yourselves?" Everyone seemed to agree with this idea, not that they really had a choice. A guy who looked just like Dark stood up next to him. He had the same kind of dark hair as Dark, just draped over one of his eyes. 

   "I'm Emo-Dark. I like staying in my room all day, listening to music, and hating my life." He sat back down without another word. I kind of chuckled. So did Selena and Kim, I guess we all seemed to like the simplicity of his speech. 

   The guy next to him stood up. He had tattoos all over his body and even on his neck. He had piercings all over his face, and a totally black pair of glasses on his face.

   "Hi... I'm Punkiplier. Just call me Punk though." He said, smirking while staring at Selena. I guess that he didn't know that she was already taken by Anti. Anti, sadly for Punk, seemed to notice his stare at Selena as well. He put his arm around Selena, seemingly taking Punk out of the competition for Selena. "I like tattoos, piercings, and all around anything goth..." He sat back down. 

   The one next to Punk stood up. He had all white clothes on, a halo over his head, and pure white wings behind him. He seemed to be happy go lucky all around.

   "My name is Lightiplier. But please, call me Light. I am an angel of the Lord. (Castiel reference anyone?) I enjoy helping people, being nice, and some people have told me that I am a... Smol bean...?" I laughed at his little speech. He looked over at me and smiled. "Hello Y/N.... Oh... I am sorry about your father." I felt my breathing hitch in my throat as the others looked at me. I felt those oh so normal tears prick at my eyes at the thought of my late father. I ran out of the dining hall without another word. Selena, Kim, and Host in suit.

   "I'm sorry Y/N." Selena rubbed my back as I cried my eyes out. My father died 7 years ago. You would think that I would be over it by now. But I wasn't. It's not because I just can't let go the memory of my father. It was the fact that he was murdered and the culprit was never convicted because of the lack of evidence. Kim hugged me close to her.

   "He shouldn't have brought it up. But I don't think he meant to make you cry." Kimberly tried reasoning. All I could do was nod my head.

   "What happened to your father Y/N?" Host asked quietly. Kim and Selena tried shaking their heads to signal not to bring it up. I held my hand up.

   "No guys. It's okay. Host has the right to know. My father was murdered on a job. He was a police officer and got called down to a domestic abuse argument. You know, normal stuff. And on the way there, my father was randomly shot by somebody. He didn't make it. The police thought that they knew who the culprit was. But he wasn't convicted because the judge said that there wasn't enough evidence to prove that he was the one who shot my dad." I wiped the tears from my eyes, thinking about how I couldn't do anything about it now. I never did find out who killed my father, but some day, if I were to see his face, I would beat his ass with no mercy.

   "Host is sorry about your father. Did he mean a lot to you?" I just nodded and smiled at the memories.

   "Yeah, he did. We-we should head back inside..." The others nodded and I went inside, trying to act like nothing happened. Which was very hard do to the fact that everybody was staring at me when we went back inside. Light had sat back down, an apologetic look on his face as he looked at me. The rest of the meeting was a blur when we came back. I'll spare you the details. There was a man with wolfish ears, sharp teeth, a dog tail, and warm brown eyes that never left Kimberly. I could tell that Dark was jealous of Wolf staring at her. 

   There was a man with pale skin, tattoos and writing all over him, and a snake on his shoulder. I later found out that his name was Voodoo. He seemed nice enough, but a little scary.

   There was a robot that had a Google shirt on. Surprise, his name was Google. He seemed kind of scary, but he was nice to the three of us.

   And, finally, there was a man with a doctor outfit on. He had medical stuff all over him and seemed to like telling his nurse to shut up... His name was Doctor. (I can't keep track of all of the ipliers so this is all I'm gonna do.) 

   After the meeting/breakfast was over, we were dismissed to do whatever we wanted until lunch. As I was walking out I felt a presence behind me. I turned around to see Light. I smiled sheepishly.

   "Y/N, I'm really sorry that I brought up your father. I didn't know that that was a touchy subject for you. Plus, human behavior is not something that I am good at understanding. I hope that you can forgive me." I smiled at him.

   "It's alright Light, you didn't know. I accept your apology." He beamed at me and hugged me. I could hear someone cough behind me, it was Host. He looked jealous of Light. I let go and apologized to Light before walking off with the Host.

   "Awe, that's cute. You're jealous." I smirked at Host. He looked down, embarrassed. I smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

   "Better?" I questioned.

   "Yes, Host feels better." He blushed. I smiled and grabbed his hand before walking back down to the Lab.


OOOOH, some action between you and the Host! I hope you enjoyed. I do apologize if this chapter was a bit of a trigger. I am really sorry if you had to go through something like that with a family member. Other than that, I hope you have a great rest of your Father's Day. I will try to update again. See you guys later!

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