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Y/N POV: I didn't have to look for Host that long after I saw Kitty, as he was right. The Host was right down the hall that I was gonna go in anyway. I smiled, and headed right towards him. 

   "Hello Y/N." The Host said, without even turning towards me.

   "Oh! Hey Host! How did you know that I was coming?" I asked, confused.

   "Host could hear you coming down the hall. Plus, with Host being blind, Host's hearing is better and there are other ways for Host to see people. Echolocation being the main one."

   "That's cool! But how does that work?" The Host turned to me and smiled. He started making weird clicking noises.

   "You look confused right now, and your eyebrows just shot up as Host said that." He smiled again. "It starts with the clicking, but if Host talks, that also works." (Sorry if this is totally wrong. I'm not an expert on echolocation! Don't murder me!) 

   "Again, cool! How long did it take you for you to master that?" 

   "Not too long. Maybe... 6 months...? Yeah, Host thinks that sounds about right."

   "Dang... That's quick... Cool! Um... Should we head to breakfast?" Host's smile faltered a bit as I asked. 

   "Yes... Follow Host, Host will take you to the dining hall." I smiled as he lead the way.

TIME SKIP BROUGHT TO YOU BY MY SINGING!-----------------------------------------------------------------

   "Here we are." Host said, pointing to a couple large doors. And when I say large, I mean like 12 feet tall each! Like TALL. Host opened the doors and I walked in awkwardly. 

   Many, MANY pairs of eyes turned in our direction, including Anti and Selena, sitting next to each other. Kim was sat next to Selena on the left, Anti on the right. I sat down next to Kim, smiling at her. She looked bored as Selena and Anti had been talking for God knows how long. But she perked up as I sat next to her, the Host taking the seat to the left of me. Dark smirked and stood up to talk.

   "Ahem..." Nobody quieted.

   "AHEM!" Dark yelled, Host groaned a bit. Dark sent an apologetic stare towards Host. The other ipliers got quiet. "I would like to introduce our new house guests. Would you three stand?" Dark more commanded than asked. Me, Kim, and Selena stood up at the same time. All of us looked flustered as all of the ipliers stared us up and down. I could name a few that stood out, but most of them did... "Would you guys introduce yourselves?" 

   "I'm Y/N L/N." I introduced, trying to be polite, using both first and last name.

   "I'm Kimberly..." Kim said, just using first name, as she didn't seem comfortable to use last.

   "And I'm Selena." Selena did the same thing. (You think I'm gonna give away my friends' names? Lol) All of the ipliers smiled at us. Some of the smiles were a bit more malicious than others. I could tell that some of these guys would be a bit more flirtatious with us than we would be comfortable with. We sat back down awkwardly. Host put his arm around me, as if sensing how uncomfortable I was. Some of the other ipliers seemed to look away, scared, as they saw that the Host had sort of... 'claimed me.' I wasn't quite sure how those things worked here. 

   "NOW! Let's just eat okay? These are our guests, so if I see any of you guys messing with these three in ANY way, don't think I won't come at you with a knife." Dark smiled viciously and sat down after his speech.

   "Well that's noice." Kim said and I chuckled. "No, for real..." I seemed to understand what she was getting at.

   "Do you like Dark?" I whisper yelled at her. She looked embarrassed. "You do?! Awe that's cute. I can tell that he kind of likes you too." She looked at me quickly.

   "How can you tell?!" I laughed.

   "The way he looks at you... The way he smiles when you can't tell that he's looking. Or me, for that matter. Like right now." Kim looked surprised at my last claim. She looked up quickly to see that Dark WAS looking at her and smiling. Dark looked down, face getting a bit red. I chuckled. This was cute as hell! 

   "Oh man I'm hungry!" Selena said and she smirked when she looked down at the pancakes and bacon on her plate. 

   "Same!" I said. We both laughed at that, as we both used to say that to each other all of the time when we were younger. I looked down at my plate and saw waffles with sausage links... Mmmmm, delicious. I looked over at the Host to see that he hadn't eaten or even touched his food. "You aren't hungry?" I asked him gently. He shook his head no.

   "Host does not feel like eating right now." I frowned as he said this.

   "Do you not feel well?" Host nodded. Then he nodded his head to behind me.

   "Hey babe." An iplier smirked at me. He looked like he was on fire... No, scratch that, he looked LIKE fire. His hair was died orange and red, while his outfit looked the same. Another guy stood up beside him. He looked like the opposite of him. His hair was died dark and light blue, with his outfit the same.

   "I'm Fire." The one that looked like literal fire said.

   "And I'm his twin brother, Ice." The other one smiled to me. He looked a bit timid but nice. But Fire, on the other hand, looked like he was ready to take me like some sort of prize.

   "I'm Y/N, as you could probably guess." I tried to be nice to them. Ice smiled and waved nicely, I could tell that we would get along. While Fire, grabbed my hand and kissed it. He kept his eyes on me the whole time he did it too. After he finished, I turned away from him. 

   "Hey, baby, I wasn't done talking with ya'." I glared at my food, while Host didn't look much better.

   "Well she looks done to Host." Host said, turning towards Fire. 

   "Was this your conversation bro? I don't think so." Fire said, seeming to ignore the danger that he was getting himself into. Host growled a bit at him. 

   "It is if you're making Y/N feel uncomfortable." Host glared daggers, if you could see through the blindfold, I assumed he would be. "Just leave her alone Fire."

   "What? I just wanted to be nice to her. Just get out of the way Host!" Fire grabbed my hand and pulled me out of my chair. Ice had sat down by now, not wanting to be involved in his brother's idiotic shenanigans. I pulled my hand away from him.

   "Can you just let me eat in peace?"

   "I warned you Fire! I warned all of you didn't I?" Dark had gotten up and pushed Fire away from me, and on the wall. Fire looked scared. Host had come up shortly after Dark had pushed him to the wall. Host smiled evilly at Fire, Fire looked even more terrified. 

   "No, no. Don't worry Dark, Host can handle this." Dark smiled and let go of Fire. Host pushed Fire to the ground, growling from deep in his throat. "Host warned you, didn't he? And you just decided to push him too far. Host swears, if you don't leave Y/N alone, Host will come after you with no mercy." Host growled to Fire. Host let Fire go back to his seat, whimpering like a little baby. I sat back down, Host following suit. He started eating as we did. 


This started getting long so I will split it into two parts, don't worry. I hope y'all enjoyed!

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