Drunk Regrets

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WARNING!: BORDERLINE SMUT! (Also some other kinky crap)

Y/N POV: Most of us ate in silence, as we weren't used to having all of the quote on quote 'family' back. It seemed that a lot of us hadn't remembered what it was like to live with the other septiceyes, as Dark said we should act like we did. Of course, me, Selena, and Kimberly didn't know what it was like what so ever. So it was kind of hard to act it. 

   "So.... How's everyone's day been?" I meekly tried to start a friendly conversation with everybody. Most people looked up and just shrugged before going back to eating. I sighed, "This is hopeless. Why doesn't anyone want to talk?" I asked to no one in particular.

   "It's probably because of what happened, and no one wants to bring up anything just in case Dark decides to get pissed off at everybody." Selena whispered to me. I shrugged a bit.

   "Like Dark said during his speech, it's all in the past and we should just let it go. But, I guess they don't believe him..." Selena nodded.

   "It's not like I wouldn't do the same thing. That's kind of what it was like in college, remember?" I chuckled. We had two different majors, so we didn't really have any of our classes together. But, it was fun to talk about what our day had been like and what sort of asshole teachers we had to deal with on a daily basis.

   "Wait... Maybe we should just talk about that... You know, get the others to talk...?" I reasoned with Selena. She seemed to understand what I was getting at and nodded. 

   "I guess that might work... It sounds kind of dumb though..." Selena was brutally honest. I sighed a bit before answering.

   "Do you have any other idea?" She thought about that for a little bit before sighing and shaking her head no.


TIME SKIP BROUGHT TO YOU BY 2K FUCKING READS!!!!!!!! Y'ALL ARE AWESOME!!!!---------------------------

Still Y/N POV: It had been about twenty minutes since the conversation between all of us had started. I'll spare poor Reader Chan the details! It was as pretty lame start as everybody could tell. But, after a couple minutes of trying this, more people started to join in. Gradually, everybody started to talk, laugh, and have fun. Dark even decided to bring out the beer and wine to loosen things up... That was our first mistake.

   "*Hiccup* This has been a great *hiccup* night you guys!" I slurred my words after my 6th bottle of beer.

   "Yeah! *Hiccup* It has! *Hiccup*" Kimberly smiled at me. We were all still in the dining hall, even after we had finished our dinner. That was three hours ago... 

   "You know what? *Hiccup* I love you guys so *hiccup* fucking much!" Selena slurred along with us. She had just finished her 5th glass of wine, as not wanting to get as drunk as us. But, that didn't work out too well for her. I, on the other hand, didn't seem to care as much as I normally would have.

   "I think *hiccup*..." I started.

   "That's never a good thing! *Hiccup*" Selena put in. We all laughed drunkenly. I was pretty sure that everyone, excluding Light, LSE, Host, and JackGlitch, was all drunk. (JackGlitch was put to bed as soon as the drinks were taken out.) 

   "I think that I like it better *hiccup* here than I ever did in the *hiccup* outside world." Selena and Kimberly just smiled and nodded, agreeing with me.

   "Y/N, Host thinks it's time for you to go to bed." Host put in meekly, trying to get me away from the situation that was bound to go wrong. I just laughed again, hugging the Host close to me.

   "Isn't he the sweetest, you guys? He cares *hiccup* about me so much." Host blushed a bit as I kissed him on the cheek. "Remember when we first met *hiccup* and you used your hypnotic powers on me? *Hiccup* But I didn't even know what was *hiccup* going on. So *hiccup* I just rolled with it." Host kept blushing.

   "Yes, Host remembers." I chuckled again. 

   "I was scared of you at first. *Hiccup* But once I got to know you, *hiccup* I found out how sweet and loving you were." I kissed him again.

   "Well, Host wouldn't say that..." 

   "*Hiccup* But I would! How about we take this *hiccup* to the bedroom?" Host's eyes widened.

   "Yes... And then you could get some sleep..."

   "I didn't mean it like that *hiccup* Hosty! I think you know what I mean!" I tried to wink at him, but it more came out like a drunken blink. 

Host's POV: Oh, poor Y/N, she probably didn't even know what was going on... She's just throwing herself right at Host... Host cannot take advantage of her, that would be wrong. No, Host has to make sure that she gets to her bed safely... This is no time to feel in love. Host stood up, deciding that it was best to make sure that Y/N would get some sleep, and pulled her out of her seat, carrying her bridal style.

   "*Hiccup* Host...? Whareyadoin?" She slurred drunkenly. Host frowned at her, looking down at her beautiful face that Host loves so much.

   "Taking you to your and Host's bedroom. You need sleep. You won't feel well in the morning, so you need to sleep." Y/N just laughed and grabbed Host's neck.

   "But I don't need sleep, I just need you." She licked my cheek, obviously trying to act sexy. It was kind of working. It was getting harder and harder for Host to resist her.

   "You've told Host before that you don't want to lose your virginity until you get married." She chuckled.

   "*Hiccup* I've changed my mind." She pulled Host's face into hers and kissed Host. It was kind of gross at first, tasting the wine and beer in her breath. But, then I melted into her touch.

   "You do so many things to Host, Y/N. But, Host can't take you... It's not right and you would be upset in the morning. But, Host can do this." Host put her on the ground, then pushed her up against the wall, kissing her hungrily. She moaned at first, but then grabbed Host's face tightly.

   "I love it when you get rough Host." She purred. I growled at her.

   "Host can get worse. Just... Not right now." She whined.

   "You can take me Host, I won't get mad." 

   "Even if you didn't get mad, Host does not want you to be drunk when he takes you. No, now is not the time." Host smirked at her constant whining. "Now, don't make Host mad." She laughed.

   "*Hiccup* But I like it when you get mad. It's sexy." Host chuckled.

   "Then Host hopes you're ready." Host grabbed her and bit her sweet spot hard. She moaned in the Lab loudly. "Nobody can hear your moans baby, except for Host." She moaned louder as Host bit harder.

   "Ungh! HOST! That feels so good!" She yelled and moaned in pleasure. Host took off his trench coat and undershirt, showing off his body. "You look so fucking hot! I need a piece of that!" She put her hands on Host's toned chest and licked up Host's stomach. Host moaned in pleasure.

   "Do you like that?" I purred a bit. "It's so fucking cute when you purr. You're like a kitty cat." Y/N seemed to not be as wasted as she was before.

   "Host is YOUR kitty cat Y/N." Y/N chuckled.

   "No... I'm your kitty cat Host." She pushed Host onto the bed and kissed Host hard. We made our for a solid couple of minutes before we heard chuckling behind us.

   "Wow Host... I didn't know you had it in you to seduce a girl. But, of course, she had to be fucking drunk off of her ass first." Wilford growled. Host gasped.

   "HOW THE FUCK DID YOU GET PASSED THE DEFENSES?" Host shouted. Wilford just chuckled.

   "A couple of new friends of mine. Now, say goodbye." Wilford punched Host and Y/N's lights out.


YAY! Late update but still an update! I will try to update a couple of times tomorrow because I got 2k readers! That's fucking insane!

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