Chapter 5: Some Party

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After convincing Tommy that, yes, I was okay and that, no, this was not my first ever migraine, we resumed our tour around the party. I resented Izzy. Right when I was starting to feel normal and confident again, she had to ruin it! I knew I was acting in sensibly, but it! Wasn't! Fair! Almost everyone avoided me because I'm sure I looked pretty pissed, but I really didn't care. I was so sick of my life and everyone in it. Even Tommy was getting on my nerves because he wouldn't shut up about stupid soccer and all of the other god awful sports he played.

It had crossed my mind that I could just be hallucinating the visions I had of Izzy, but my gut told me that wasn't the case. I didn't just simply see Izzy when I was feeling guilty or alone. I always saw her when I was with a group of people, even if I was having fun. I had come to rely upon my instincts over the last 8 months, so I felt as though they were not wrong here.

A blond boy approached me at the party and offered me a drink. It looked like a wine cooler, all cheery and fizzing. I wanted to  gratefully  take it, but I knew better than to accept a drink from a stranger. The thought of getting away for a little while, escaping this nightmare of a reality even for the quickest moment, did seem pleasant and quite appealing. I just wanted to drink my pain and doubts away. I know that makes me sound like a junior alcoholic, but it was how I felt at the time. I just wanted to be someone else for a night. It went beyond general teen insecurities. It was more a sense of being lost and alone, with no one to turn to because no one could understand what I was going through.

The blond was good looking. He had short hair, with Curley, and somewhat out of control, bangs that could have used a good trim. He had alert green eyes and a friendly face. I glanced to where the black tshirt and jeans hugged a muscular body. I could see his stomach muscles through his tshirt. The way staring at those muscles caused me to become unfocused scared me so much that I glanced back up to his face quickly.

"Hi," said the new and very attractive boy. "Hey," I responded and then chided myself for coming up with such a damn good response. I groaned inwardly when I thought of how stupid the blond boy must have thought I was. But he just smiled and said "I'm Jake." "My name's Kye," I replied as smoothly as I could manage. "Well, it's very, very nice to meet you, Kye. Have you been to any of these parties before? I never remember seeing you." Normally I would have scoffed at a stupid line like that, but Jake seemed so genuine. Plus, his eyes didn't wander from my face during our entire exchange. "No. This is actually my first time at a party here," I answered. Jake rubbed his chin. "I know this may seem rude, but are you hear with your boyfriend or a date or something?" When he saw the look on my face, he hurried on. "It's just, I want to make sure I'm not about to flert with another guy's girl. I just don't roll that way, if you know what I mean." He smiled sheepishly. Was I hear with a date? Did he just say he was going to flert with me? Technically, I was there with a date, but damn, Jake was really, really cute.

I leaned in a little closer. "Technically," I started. "I am here on a date." Jake's face fell. "But, I don't think we'll be going on anymore dates together." I dug in my purse and grabbed a receipt. After first making sure that I hadn't baught any potentially embarrassing items, I scribbled my number and handed it to Jake. "I'll see ya around. It was incredibly nice meeting you, Jake." I smiled and then walked away to find my date.

I found Tommy near the keg again. I felt a twinge of guilt about giving Jake my number, but I forced it down. Oh well. I really liked Jake and Tommy? Not so much. "There you are, babe," Tommy said. "I see someone found his way back to the alcohol," I commented snidely. "You just have to follow the drunken brick road," Tommy mused. Everyone surrounding him found this comment just hilarious. I rolled my eyes and said "I'm going outside for a few minutes to see if I can find someone who's sober to drive us home." I walked away, choosing to ignore Tommy's comments about how I was too uptight and how that's not why he asked me to come. I had only had like a cup of beer, but I didn't want to risk it. I wasn't that stupid.

I stood on the porch. It was quieter outside. I breathed in the muggy late June air and texted Kayley.
"Hey, are you up?"-Kye
"Yeah, why?"-Kayley
"It's just that stupid Tommy took me to a party tonight. I had like a cup of beer and then found him completely drunk. I don't want to risk driving home."-Kye
"Ahh, of course! I totally got ya."-Kayley
"Thx. I really appreciate it, but if we stay at least an hour more, then I'll be good to drive."-Kye
"KK. just let me know if you need me. I'll keep my phone sound turned up."-Kayley

I wandered back into the party. I turned a corner and had to do a double take. Tommy had his arm around some strawberry blond, and then, to my horror, he pulled her toward him and they started making out! Ewwww! What the hell? He was supposed to be on a date with me. Was I really that inadequit? My eyes started to burn at the possibility. Dam it...of course on the night I chose to actually wear mascara.
I turned and barreled down the hall toward the front door, feeling ashamed and just so low.

I must not have been watching where I was going because I smashed into someone. I looked up and tried to mudder an apology. But the words got caught in my throat when I saw that it was Jake. Suddenly, everything bore down on me, Tommy's painful rejection, not being responsible enough to resist alcahol, making an absolute fool of myself in front of Jake. Consequently, I burst into tears. "Whoa," Jake said. "Are you hurt?" I shook my head and just continued to cry like a fool. I pushed past Jake and ran for the front door. Jake came up behind me and grabbed my hand, just as I was grabbing for the door handle. "I've got it. No beautiful girl like you should have to ever open a door. That's what us gentlemen are for." At the word "gentlemen", I remembered Tommy's betrayal and a massive sob escaped my lips.

I felt so stupid and alone. I put my head in my hands. "Do you want to talk about it?" Jake asked softly. Without saying another word, Jake put an arm around me and gently guided me down the steps and over to a bright red pickup truck. He helped me up into the truck's bed. "Come on, Kye." I sniffed. "It's just t t Tommy. I w went outside to t text my friend a about g g g getting a sober ride. Then I found him k k kissing another g girl." On the last word, my voice cracked, and I just fell apart. Jake put his arms around me, and only after looking at me to make sure it was okay, drew me to him. He rubbed my back and whispered that I was beautiful and sweet and that a jerk like Tommy doesn't deserve a girl like me. " As he talked, I detected a slight southern accent in Jake's voice. After about an hour of just holding and comforting me Jake finally kissed my forehead and said "I think it's time I get you home. I don't want your folks getting too worried about you, or my folks for that matter." and with that, this boy I had just met grabbed my hand, helped me down from the bed of the truck, opened my door, and drove me home, all the time acting like a complete and utter gentlemen. All I could think was that this had turned out as some party. I finally felt the slightest twinge of happiness, no drugs required.

When I had finally gotten up the nerve to talk to my beautiful mate, she looked like she had swallowed a bug or something. Our little chat seemed to better her mood, until she ran into me later and cried her eyes out. I just held her because I hated that she was hurt by that tool that she was with. I later drove her home, and I just felt happy that she didn't openly reject me. If only that jerk hadn't hurt her, the night would have been perfect.

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