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"England " I muttered under my breath. Numb?

"Bloody fucking England" I say again. Now I was angry. Scratch that I was furious.



The question on my mind was simple.

"How could they?"

  I had stunned myself when I walked out of breakfast this morning. Mama was shaken and i know that any moment from now she would be on my tail.

I am never one to repress my angry, especially when it was about matters so..... intense.

So why I had, was still a mystery. Mayhaps it was because I had no way idea it was coming.

I would usually not put anything above those two, but England ? Why they was even allow a seed of theirs to be the crown prince and future king of France was beyond me. Why it was even considered is an enigma on its own.

   Those two were, to put it lightly unstable. And I mean it in the most endearing way possible. How had I survived in their care? I will tell you.

Books and lots of hobbies.

   I was near the door now. A quick glance back to check if Alex was behind me. Seeing the Greek brute brought some sense of normalcy to me.

For the past two- almost three years, he had been as his name implied my protector. And a damn good one too and loyal. Very loyal.

  Even though the circumstances in which I was thrust into his way was most unpleasant, I can proudly state that I would do it all over again just to have him as a friend.


  In a determined pace I make it towards the garden. Jo should be there.

    She always is.

I wonder when she would leave me though. Everyone always left me and the poor chit just got married three months ago. What she was still doing here was beyond me.

If I had married half the man she had, which I know will not be possible judging from my betrothal's lack of visits, i would be stuck to his side like it was nails joining us and not just vows.

But she wasn't.

Instead she was in my garden. Reading romance novels no doubt about it.  She a year older, a few inches shorter, and a whole lot calm and collected than I will even be.

Maybe that why she was brought? I don't know. Then again I never know what those two are up to but I know that's why she was my bestest friend.

With a thump i settle into the sit with her, drawing her from her novel induced stupor and judging from her flushed cheeks I most have disturbed her during a scene of ravishing.

I would have teased her about it but I didn't have it in me. I took her in, her pale green dress, and blond locks, to her black silk slippers. She was stunning. Just beautiful and she knew it. I was always insecure around her. I admit, her confidence and grace was always stirring jealousy in the depths of my tummy.

  "What happened Bells" she asked. "You have that i-want-to-kill-someone-now look. i know it, I've received it. So go ahead spill" she added after a bit if silence. Eager to get this over with and back to whatever George was doing to the Mary in her book.

"England, Eng-fucking-land"


So chapter dedicated to @beauty-star59.

I know. I can't believe it myself but I did it. I wrote the bloody chapter. I know it may not be the best but I want you to tell me what you think.

Bell is all grown up. Well for that era anyway.

I hope u enjoy it tho.




I will be most pleased.

       Yours lady Beth

Of England And France       | #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now