15. Just Because...

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Just because I don’t advertise that I’m lonely

And seem to take things in my stride

Doesn’t mean that I’m not alone

Or that I cry on the inside.

Just because I don’t date all of my male friends

Or whine about not having a boyfriend

Doesn’t mean I wouldn’t like it

If a boy I had a crush on asked me to be his.

Just because I seem calm on the outside

And walk around with a ready smile

Doesn’t mean I handle every situation

With indifference and pride.

Just because you can’t see how I feel

Doesn’t mean I don’t feel whole

It just means you’re not looking

At what is right in front of you: in my soul.

Just because you think I’m capable

Doesn’t mean I’m strong

Or that I don’t need a shoulder to cry on.

It just means that you’re wrong.

You don’t look and see beyond your eyes

You don’t think about what you don’t know

You think that feelings can’t be disguised

That what’s on the inside doesn’t show.

But you’re wrong. Just because…

Because you’re selfish. Because you’re better

Than me. Because you think 

That no-one hurts but you.

But just because isn’t an answer.

It isn’t an explanation of what’s wrong

Or why you feel something

It’s a lie.

Just because is what you say when 

You’re lost for words.

When you haven’t got a clue

But you’re too scared to show it.

Well, I’m no ‘just because’ girl

I’m real and solid and I feel

I think and I cry and I love and I experience life

In more ways than you could ever know.

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