Second Chances

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Jc's POV

I'm so lucky to have someone like Jenn. It's one thing to have her as my girlfriend, but inviting me to live with her? She's the best.

"So Jc, where do you wanna sleep? I could give up my room and I'll sleep on the couch?" Jenn suggested.

"Uh nah it's fine honestly, I was thinking we could both sleep in your room" I wink at Jenn. Heck no was I letting her sleep away from me.

"Jc! Haha okay well I'm just gonna shower and I'll join you" she smiles and walks off.

It was pretty late now. I've received a bunch of apology texts from Kian but I'm just ignoring them for now. I'm still processing what's happened.

I decide to jump on Twitter to sub tweet him because.. Yolo?

@jccaylen: Great to know who's really there for you when in need...

Just as I hit the tweet button I get a ton of replies. The typical ones such as, 'Marry me daddy' or 'Jc you should follow me!'

And then there were the ones from the concerned fans.
'Aw hope you're okay bby ❤️☁️ ly' and more tweets along those lines. I retweeted some like that, I really appreciate them.

I was soon interrupted of my tweeting by a text from no other than Lia.

From Lia😏: Jc I'm so sorry, what happened was a mistake and an accident. I was just so upset over you kissing kennxpenn that I wasn't in the right mindset. So I kissed cam. I just want to start all over. Ily...

Did she just call Jenn 'Kenn' ? For the second time... Is she really trying to play the victim? I can't even take this right now.

To Lia😏: Look whatever. I don't care. We can be friends I guess but nothing more.

I don't even know why I'm giving her a second chance. What's wrong with you jc?

I go back on Twitter and scroll through my newsfeed.

@LiaMarieJohnson: Thanks for the 2nd chance babe 😘💕 @jizcallifuh

Lia tweeted that and a picture of us kissing from who knows how long ago.

I really hope Jenn doesn't see this. She'll probably get the wrong idea. Ughh.

"I'm back betch!" Jenn says and flops on the bed. I smile.

"Let's cuggleee" I sheepishly say to Jenn and begin spooning her.

"Jc!!" Jenn chuckles. She's so cute.

Jenn's POV

I kiss Jc on the cheek before falling asleep. It's been a long day, so it's great to finally get some sleep with the guy I love.


I wake up from my slumber with a ton of missed calls from Arden. What's going on? I decide to quietly roll out of bed, making sure not to wake Jc.

I walk downstairs, put some toast in the toaster and dial Arden's number.

"Jenn?!! About time! Are you okay?" Arden asks sounding worried AF.

"Uh yeah... Why?" I question her.

"When was the last time you checked Twitter?" She says.

"Like 3:00pm yesterday?" I state confused.

"Check it then ring me back after. I want to make sure you're okay" Arden says.

"Arden I'm fi-" before finishing my sentence Arden hangs up the phone.


I decide to check my Twitter to see what all the fuss is about.

That's when I see it.

Lia posted a photo kissing Jc with the caption 'thanks for the 2nd chance babe 😘💕' and tagged Jc.

They must've been talking while I was in the shower. I'm not even mad at Jc. I'm just... Hurt.

Jc's POV

I wake up to a loud door slam. I look up and see a tear stained Jenn. Oh crap.

She doesn't say a word. She just sits at the end of the bed, speechless.

"I'm guessing you saw the tweet..." I barely whisper to Jenn.

"Saw the tweet? Jc I had to find out from ARDEN that she tweeted. Why wouldn't you tell me that you're giving her a second chance?" Jenn says sounding on the verge of tears.

"Jenn. I don't even like her. I like you! I like everything about you. Lia just likes to twist words. But please trust me when I say this. I really really like you Jenn. Only you" I say apologetically.

"That's the thing though Jc, you like me... But I love you" Jenn states. I'm speechless. I love her too but the words don't come out.

I try my best to tell her I love her as well but I don't get the chance. Jenn leaves the room.

"Look Jc, I'm not kicking you out of my apartment. I still care about you. But maybe we can talk again, once you choose who you want to be with" Jenn sighs and walks downstairs and out the door.

I've messed up, and I need to fix it.

A/N- Hey guys! You do not know how hard this chapter was to write. I still ship Jcpenny and this is still a Jcpenny fan fic so don't stop reading because there will be some good stuff coming ;) I don't wanna spoil anything so yah. Thanks for reading :) and if you want to...


Peace ☁️🙏🏽

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