Chapter 51: Battle of the Grimms

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They moved slow and jagged toward her yelling outlandish things.The last horseman would pull the string of the bow and conjure a large blast once he released the string. A low hum would drown out the sounds of battle and a flash a light would follow. The angels would fall and be almost skin to bone from the attack by the time they collapsed. Their wings looking broken, and grey. Their bones would bulge out of their skin. I even could see the outline of their organs if I looked hard enough. The ground around them would be starved of life and was left a barren white. Godrick and his angels were trying to hold their ground. Godrick may have looked like a boy but his fighting skills were beyond that. He maneuvered with elegance. He bent and leaned carefully to dodge the Grimms attempts. He would wait until they would tire out and then strike but not kill. The angels for the most part followed suit. Knockouts not killing, the Grimms oddly enough did the same. "Avery? What happened?" Osiris was frantic, "Osiris something is wrong!" I tried to explain but someone in the distance yelled drowning me out. "I have to go!" He replied standing up and summoning his large scythe. Any other time I probably would have been in awe but I had to stay focused I grabbed his shirt. "We have to stop this! This is all part-," I screamed but the battle raging on muffled my warnings. Osiris shook his head and went to leave but I held him I needed him to hear me. "Stop this now!" I begged, "My powers are draining faster than I thought. I can't kill them all, not yet." He explained I was about to remind him when some stupid flying beast snatched him by the shoulders and dropped him off at the far edge of the battle. I hollered out his name in frustration and despair. "Don't leave me. Not in the middle of this." I breathed.

I would give anything to be at home. To be pulling a snack from underneath my bed, and reading some guilty pleasure. For my mom to hug me and dad to tell me how he worries about me. I would love to be safe, and in my boring life again. I sunk to my knees. What was I supposed to do? I took a breath and looked up to see. Dev took notice of me and smiled. She didn't waste no time in teleporting to me. The fates were right behind her. "Look what we got here, a little sheep that has roamed just a little to far. You know what they say about the wolf and sheep?" She asked circling around me with her trident dragging a thin line into the dirt. My heart was racing and my palms were sweating just a bit. I looked for Osiris. He had started to fight his way back towards me until Godrick stepped in his way.

Dev twisted the trident around in her hands laughing to herself. I wasn't getting out of this, and I sure as hell wasn't going to be saved anytime soon. "When will my brother ever learn? To stop throwing sheep, where the wolf thrive." She asked sarcastically swinging her trident at me. I tucked and rolled "Don't you see that there's something bigger at work here? Lucifer-," Before I could finish she swung again and nearly got me, had I not shielded myself with a reaper. I could only deflect the blow, allowing her to twist it and trip me with the other end of the trident. I crawled away from her, all she did was laugh. Laugh at me like this was a joke, the screams, blood splattering on us covering my face and her's. Everything about it was a pleasure for Dev.She was stronger, faster, and more skilled then me in every way. She was the sister of Siris, Queen of a realm. I could feel the heat radiating off of her as she chased after me. The fates stomped their feet shaking the ground making my hands slip so I hit the dirt hard. 

I tried to shuffle and get up but I felt the force of her trident fall down and pierce my calf. The burning I felt from touching Siris was nothing to this. I screamed and she just dug the three points into me twisting the staff so it would dig into my skin. I blinked back circles and held my breath."Eventually." I started to heave and shake. She smirked and leaned downward toward me with her ear cocked to the ground. "Sorry what was that? Speak up dear the blood in your mouth makes you a tad hard to hear." She joked I gripped the trident and sent a reaper straight up alongside her trident that gripped her. I made the reaper surround her skin entirely."I said eventually you people will fucking learn to stop underestimating me!" I yelled pushing her off of me and pinning her to the ground. I could feel her trying to break free. 

Heat started to roll off her and the mental strain made it to hard to form any weapon. I could only hold her down and even that was a losing battle. I fell to my knees trying to hold her in place, it was that or die. Think, Avery think damn it! I can't touch her. I can't let her go. I can't stop her either. What the hell could I do? "When I break free from this I will end you! Insolent mongrel!" She yelled out curse after curse. The other Grimms couldn't help they were too busy beating back the other minions. The Fates shrunk down to normal size and started to walk to me. Arm length, ridged cylinder blades fell from their sleeves. They tossed them at me. I tucked my arms in and rolled along the floor as fast I could. What would Richard think of? What would his superhero do in this situation? I stopped rolling and made a sphere shield that hid my whole body. I sat and formed a reaper. Dev and the Fates attacked my fort relentlessly. Dev opened her mouth to singe me, while the Fates carved into it. I had a migraine forming. I have to keep them at bay just for a little longer. It wasn't the best plan but it's something. I came too far to die here. "Just give up, there is no way you will make it out alive." Dev laughed as she increased the heat. She stopped and started to choke.

The Fates stopped to look at her. She looked down and noticed a large blade pushed through her waist. I pulled the blade from her and took a few steps back. I had seeped through the ground and reappeared behind her. They were so focused on the ball they didn't see me. Dev turned around angrily and I watched as the hole healed itself. That's just cheating. "You are going to have to try a lot harder than that." She grew two feet in height. Her skin became layered with thick black scales and her horns grew and curved. Her muscles expanded and that tail of her's grew large dull plates at the tip that were blunt objects. "It's been a while since I had this much fun. I'm going to really enjoy this."

I dug my feet into the dirt and cornered my eyes. "One sheep against a pack of wolves, it almost seems unfair." She growled taking a few steps towards me. The Fates formed a small circle around us. "That's just it. You're wrong on both occasion. I was never a damn sheep, and I don't need anyone else to protect me. If someone is going to die today-," I summoned a small army of clone me's that huddled in the circle with weapons of all sorts. "It sure the hell isn't going to be ME!" With all my strength I launched myself in the air, blade and all at Dev.

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