13. never have I ever

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"I know what we should do!" Racheal suggested and even without her saying it they all knew what she was going to suggest.
"Lets play never have I ever" it was her favorite game, right after strip poker, but knowing no one else would play with her she had gone with option number two.
"How do you play" jo asked and June wondered if she was genuinely that naive or she was just pretending for the image of it.
"Kind of a drinking game" Paula explained to her "we each say something we have never done, and whoever has done it has to drink"
"Seems pretty childish to me" jo said with a shake of her head "and it doesn't really seem to have a point, so why are we even playing it?"
"I don't see the point of it also" June protested
"I love it" Mila felt the need to add "adore it" Maria choroused. They agreed on eveything.
"Fine, let's play" Paula finally decided for the group. "Everyone in a circle, we start at my left"
They all sat in a cirlce on the living room floor and Jackson passed the cups round to the whole group.
"Me first" Racheal said with a smile. "Never have I ever not had a drink at a party"
Everyone drank.
"You can't do that Racheal" Mila protested "You have to say something you haven't done not something you do, you just made it a negative sentence"
"I think we are allowed to say whatever we want" Racheal gave a little smirk in Milas direction.
"Okay," Marcus said "Never have I ever made out with a dude"
All the girls drank while the boys gave chuckles "are you sure you aren't going to drink Jackson" Elliot teased.
They went round the circle like three times and June was starting to feel a little tipsy.
"Never have I ever had a crush on my best friends boyfriend" jo said on her turn and they all looked around the circle. Mila drank from her cup and Jackson started reaching up then he seemed to change his mind.
As if on impulse June's eyes found Becks and her heart caught in her throat when she noticed that he was also staring back at her.
She felt like she was lying by refusing to drink but she could never expose herself like that.

It was almost three am and almost everyone had fallen asleep. June lay on her comfortable living room couch and stared at the ceiling, her eyes unwilling to shut.
She finally gave in and found her way to the kitchen. The cake had been calling her name all night. She pulled it out of the fridge and was about to cut a huge chunk when she heard the kitchen door open. She looked up and smiled in relief when she saw it was Beck.
"Don't tell me you're also a midnight snacker" he said with a playful smile.
"Nope" June said "but your mother makes a mean cake and there was no way I was going to bed without another bite"
She headed over to the cabinet and got a second saucer, cutting Beck an equally large slice of cake without him even asking.
"Whoah" he said when she dropped it in front of him. "If you're trying to fatten me up and feed me to the lions... "
June rose an eyebrow at him "please" she said "We woudnt waste such good meat, I'll keep you all to myself"
She hadn't realised it but as she spoke she had taken a step closer to Beck and she was now trailing her finger down his chest.
"Well" he said taking a step towards her "you can have all you want"
Was she flirting with him, and was he flirting back? June shook her head no, no way!
His hand came up and covered hers as they made thier way down his chest. He gently tugged on it and June took an involuntary step towards him.
"Would you like that?" He basically whispered in her ear and she found herself nodding yes. What was happening?
This escalated quick. "Me too" he said and suddenly there was so much intensity in his eyes that June was taken aback.
"I'll like that very much" he said but more to himself this time, like he just realised something, or he was reaffirming what he already knew.
June suddenly felt shy and she awkwardly turned and sat in the nearest seat at the kitchen island.
"Eat your cake" she said as she stuffed her mouth full.
Beck just laughed. "You're cute"

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