5. Jake

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They were in the middle of working out when June finally felt tired. Honestly, severely tired, not because of the workout for today but because of every single workout, and every missed meal and countles hours of obsessing about her weight.
    Sometimes she wondered what the big deal was anyways, but she kept doing it day after day and she kept depriving herself of her beloved chocolate cake and she never ate pizza and she was really dying to have some icecream right about now.  She felt her mouth go dry just thinking about food. 

"I think I'm done" she said panting as she sat on the bench, wiping the sweat from her forehead.
Jake sat beside her with a frown on his beautiful face.
"What no, we haven't even been going ten minutes"

She shook her head no at him

"I mean like I'm done with working out, I can't keep this up any more, and right after this workout session I'm going to go eat a huge piece of cake as a reward"

Jake laughed at this "what's wrong with you, you can't just quit, you were doing so great"

"I know" she said "but everyone has a limit and I think I just hit mine"

"So I won't be seeing you every week? " he asked and June felt touched even though just the slightest bit by his words. Maybe he did care.

"You can always stop by for a visit" she said with a half smile "I mean I have this whole house all to myself now, some company would be well appreciated"

"Noted" he said with a smile. "Expect to see me a lot more often, now that I know I'm invited, like who can resist all this" he eyed her up and down and she laughed as she gently shoved him in the shoulder.

"Do you want a drink or something?" She offered.
"I'll like a tall refreshing glass of something for sure" he said, pulling her closer to him on the bench, his arm coming around her and resting on her waist.

He used his other hand to hold the back of her neck and pull her face mere inches away from his own.

Normally she would have pushed him away by now but today she let him. She had been seeing too much of Paula and Beck around school lately and she figured why not, Jake was hot enough,  besides,  she was only human and humans have needs. She stared at his face and her eyes landed on his lips. 
    He pursed them as a mischievous smile played at the corners of perfection. Her eyes found thier way to his chest and his well toned muscles, he radiated sexiness and she was immediately turned on.
     She felt her lips involuntarily part and she knew in her heart that it was finally about to happen, it was a long time coming anyway.

   His mouth hovered over hers for a long time as if asking her permission and when she didn't move away he leaned in and thier lips finally met.

   His mouth massaged hers gently at first and then with more urgency. Her Hands found thier way to his bare chest and she ran them up and down the expanse of his exposed skin, she tingled with excitement feeling the toughness that was his body beneath her hands as she wrapped her hands around his waist.

     He pulled her closer to him and slid his hand under her thigh, pulling her up so she was now straddling him on the bench. He broke away from the kiss and stared at her.

"Damn girl" he said and she gave a shrug and a little smile. "Now I'm going to be coming over a lot more often" he said, emphasizing on the lot, his eyes openly staring at her exposed breasts.

She leaned over so that they were touching his chest and whispered in his ear
"You can come over whenever you want" she let her voice get sultry as she placed a trail of kisses around his ear.
     She read somewhere that the ear was one of the most sensitive parts of the human body and so she used her tounge to play around with it for a while. She thought she heard a moan out of him but she didn't know for sure.

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