12. Eighteen

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For the first time in two months it was a Friday night and there was no party going on in June's house. It felt like a releif to her, she didn't think she could handle one more.
Yes the parties were nice but sometimes getting drunk and dancing got boring, and she was tired of the numerous hangovers she woke up too every Saturday morning, Not to mention the cleanup she was faced with everyday.

This friday was diffetentt however because this friday was junes birthday.
jake was busy in the kitchen making himself a sandwitch and Paula sat next to June in the living room in her way too short skirt and oversized sweater. She also had on a pair of uggs and warm socks
"Why won't you just wear long pants? " June had asked when she complained of being cold.
"Just cuz" she had replied as she floppeed onto the couch and had a long drink of soda.

"You need to be like us normal folk for the day" June said with a shake of her head, tossing her a pair of leggings.
"I don't want too" Paula complained pushing out her lower lip
"It's my birthday and I'm asking you too so please just put it on, I wonder why I'm even bothered"
"Me too" Paula groaned but who was she to go against the birthday girl?
"I can't believe you're making us stay awake for twenty four hours" she said with a shake of her head.
That was just June. She wanted to enjoy every single second of her birthday and so she had insisted that they - the whole lunch squad- come over to her house on the eve of her birthday and leave the morning after her birthday, and no one was allowed to sleep for the entire twenty four hours.
"Why can't you be normal and just ask to go to lunch" Paula groaned. She loved her beauty sleep.

Elliot and Jackson were the first to show up, each with a neatly wrapped present for June. Everyone knew how much she loved to receive gifts.
Next came Mila and Maria with one large gift and wide smiles. "Your place looks so different without all the people here" Maria said and Mila nodded in agreement.
"Feels different too" June laughed.
Jo walked in then with Zack trailing behind her like a lost puppy. When would she realise how perfect they were for each other?
Marcus and Racheal, both comming in individually showed up and then they were all set to go.
"Only person missing now is Beck" Paula said "Not like him to run late"
"Well, first time for eveything" June said and then she quickly walked away. She didn't feel right even mentioning Becks name when Paula was in the room.
It was only nine o'clock, three more hours till her birthday and June already felt older, she always got excited whenever it was her birthday, like really who didn't.
They played a movie and they were halfway through with it when someone rang the doorbell.
"I'll get it" June said rising to her feet. Not like anyone else was willing to get up anyway.
She swung the door open and smiled when she saw Beck standing there with a large cake in his hand.
"No! " June said, staring at him "this is the best cake I have ever seen"
It was huge and pink and had the words 'happy birthday June' written on it. Not to mention how delicious it looked, June could feel her mouth watering at the sight.
"My mom insisted I bring it, that's why I'm late" he said "when she heard it was your birthday she about freaked"
"I love it! " she exclaimed, it looked stunning.
"Just drop it off in the kitchen, everyone is here already"
June walked by the living room. "Becks here" she announced but no one even turned from the movie. Honestly it wasn't even that good.
"He brought cake"
That got eveyones attention and they all bolted straight into the kitchen.
"Noooo!!! " June yelled, running after them, "it's not even my birthday yet, no one touch it! "
She almost laughed out loud at the disappointed looks on thier faces, like a bunch of children.
"You're such a buzzkill" Jake said wrapping his arms around her from behind and kissing her on her cheek.
"Sorry happy pants" she said "but no one is touching my cake. We have icecream tho" and she watched as they all grabbed a cup and filled it with icecream, then headed back into the living room to finish thier movie.
"They are unbeleivale" she said to Jake who still had his arms wrapped around her. "Yeah... " he trailed
"You want some icecream" she asked and was rewarded with a smile. He was such a child.


"Happy birthday!" They all choroused at exactly midnight. June smiled at all her friends happy faces.
"Thanks guys! " she exclaimed. "Can I open my presents now?"
She didn't wait for them to reply. She ripped the wrapper on each present open fast and smiled a large smile for each person.
She got a lot of jewelry and a shirt and Paula got her the cutest boots ever. Eighteen was looking to be very good.
"Oh I almost forgot" Beck said pulling a small box from his pockets.
She opened it and smiled at the earrings in the box. Cute silver earrings shaped like padlocks. She never would have given them a second glance, but the fact that he got them for her and the place that they met made it all the more gorgeous.
"I love them" she said giving him a quick hug and then feeling immidiately awkward when she realised how much she enjoyed it.
"I'm glad you do" he said rubbing the back of his neck. He smiled shyly.
"Well I'm up for some cake" Elliot pronounced and June was glad when everyone else agreed. They all rushed to the kitchen and June impulsively placed a hand on Becks elbow. He stopped and turned to face her and she immidiately realised they were the only two people in the room.
"Because we met on the bridge with the padlocks" she felt the need to say and he nodded yes.
"Because eveytime I see a padlock I think of you" then he grimaced. "I mean, I meant that in the nicest way possible, not that you look like a padlock or... "
"I like the earrings" she said cutting him off when she realised he was just blabbing. "I like the earrings a whole lot."
"I'm glad then" he said
"Jesus June!" Paula said just then, walking back into the room "we are all waiting for cake! " she stopped short when she saw the two of them, then she shook her head like she was thinking better of it.
"Come let's get cake" she said, then as if for good measure she walked over to Beck and kissed him full on the lips, while June stood there feeling a little stupid.
"Yeah, let's get some cake"

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