Chapter 4

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'' So you live here with Alex?'' I asked, as we continued to watch some random show on TV.

''Yeah, and our dogs if they count'' He laughed. '' And you live with Aleisha?''

''And my dog'' I nodded.

''It's good that you moved here though''

''Really? Why?''

''Yeah cause if you didn't you wouldn't work with Arsenal, or you wouldn't be in the Chambers household'' Calum laughed.

''Oh god and what would I do then?''

''Well you'd end up falling asleep on the dancefloor yesterday.'' We both burst into fits of laughter, and a we started to calm down we heard the door open.

''Oh that must be Alex.'' Calum said looking towards the sitting room door. I listened in and heard Aleisha's voice. ''And Aleisha!''

'' Hide hide!'' I grabbed Calum's hand and dragged him into the kitchen and pulled him down onto the floor behind the counter. Calum sat down quietly, with an odd expression.

''What?'' I looked at him confused.

''So she can't know you're here? Why?''

''What? That's not why silly! They don't know we're here. She told me she has to go somewhere with her cousin after work.''

''Nice cousin?'' Calum chuckled. ''So it's nothing to do with us?'' He looked over at me slowly.

''Of course not. We'll talk about this later'' I carefully looked out to see where they are, and that's when I seen them, through the doorway that goes tot he sitting room, walking into the sitting room hand in hand. Alex looked confused at the TV that was still turned on.

''They're in there'' I whispered, and pointed. Me and Calum quietly observed.

'' I wonder where's Calum, he left the telly on. Give me a sec' I'll call him.'' Alex said to Aleisha.

''Answer the phone quick so he doesn't hear it!!'' I whisper shouted at Calum. He quickly answered, without the phone making any noise.

''Hello?'' He said quietly.

''What are you even doing? You've left the telly on, where are yea?'' Alex said.

''Uhh.. just uhmm''

''Calum?'' Alex said confused.

I grabbed the phone off Calum and started talking. ''Hey Alex!''


''Yeah. What's up?''

''Where are you and Cal? Calum left the house open and the TV is on. I just came home''

''Oh well, I know nothing about that, we're just out looking at something. Any chance you know where Aleisha is? I heard that you two finished work around the same time.''

''Uhh nope. Didn't see her sorry'' I motioned to Calum to get ready to stand up. We stood up and Alex and Aleisha quickly turned towards us.

'' Didn't see her huh Al?'' Calum laughed, I joined him aswel as Alex and Aleisha looked completely shocked.

''No worries guys, the word won't get out of our mouths.'' I chuckled.

'' I'll kill you both!'' Alex said. ''But I guess, this isn't as exposing as what we seen today.'' He said, smiling over at my friend. Me and Calum stood confused, not knowing what he meant.

''What?'' We both said simultaneously.

''The pictures of you two on Instagram'' Alex laughed.

'' Pictures?'' I asked.

The guy who Plays yet Defends~Calum ChambersWhere stories live. Discover now