Chapter 3

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Recap of chapter 2: 

''Boys! Happy to see you all together again. Wilshere? Don't hurt yourself again please''Boss laughed as he walked into the changing rooms.

''I'll do my best''Jack laughed.

''I have news for you all that's why I wanted you all here earlier than 9. Today we have a new performance manager,nutritionist and field trainer starting. Her name is Amelia Johnson, and she came here from Ireland. She is friends with our also new physiotherapist Aleisha Payne.''

I stared at Alex, who had wide eyes aswel. Whatt?? That's Amelia and Aleisha!! How?

''Guys? Get changed and go onto the grounds. We'll meet the girls there.''


Amelia's POV

''I'm actually nervous. I told you we should've told them.'' I said nervously to Al.

''Calm down.'' She simply said and she crossed her ankles starting to stretch. We will be both at all of the training, although Aleisha will be doing physio inside.

''How do you like it here ladies?'' Arsene said as he came out from the building.

''Great so far. '' ''Good'' We said and stood up after finishing our stretches.

''Ms.Payne? This is our head of Physio. You can go with him and he'll show you everything inside. Your first patient is Wilshere. Try get him onto the field soon, he's been off for 2 weeks due to a thigh injury.''He said pointing to a guy in his mid twenties, which was standing at the door.

''Please, call me Aleisha. I'll do my best ''She said and she walked away.

''And Ms.Johnson the boys are just coming out and we'll start our session ok?''

''No problem'' I said, giving him a smile and trying to calm myself down.

The boys came out and stood in a circle around me, Arsene and another guy that I didn't know yet.

''Boys as you know this is Amelia. Try be nice and not taunt her'' Wenger said with a laugh at the end and the team chuckled back. I looked and Calum an his eyes were already focused on me, not paying attention to anything else. I looked away and concentrated on the training in hand.

''Amelia? Want to supervise the defenders? Me and Les will go to the midfielders and goalies.''


''Here's your pad. Write down anything you think each player could work on more, and what less. We've a game on Wednesday so I want their defence at it's best. If you see that some players are slaying around, don't hesitate to give them some harder things to do. I will talk to you about the nutrition programme after training finishes.'' Les said to me as he handed me the pad and clipped to it was a list of defenders an on separate sheets every players profile.

''Ok thanks.'' I said with a smile.

''Trainings over at 12 by the way, take breaks after 2 sets of training so they can cool off. The weather is killing them slowly haha. Good luck'' He shook my hand, sent me a smile and caught up to Arsene.

I sighed and slowly turned to face the defenders, Calum.. I forgot that he's in the defence squad.I walked up to them and stopped  Kieran Gibbs. 

''Uhm Kieran?''

''Yes love?''

'' What do you usually start with? I just don't want to change any routines.''

''Usually one by one we receive shots, Shot and stops as it's called.Basically we stand across from each other in twos and try to get past. There's an uneven number though cause Monreal is on illness leave so you'll have to go with one of the lads.''

The guy who Plays yet Defends~Calum ChambersWhere stories live. Discover now