Chapter 20 - FINAL CHAPTER

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  • İtfaf edildi All My Wonderful Readers That Have Been With Me Since The Beginning!

- Justin -

Katy looked so nauseous as she began to open her mouth.  Her bruised hands were shaking.  "Justin Drew Bieber... It's over. I-I hate you... and I want nothing to do with you. Leave me alone and never come crawling back to me again..." she finally said, crying more than ever.

My heart shattered a little more with every word she said.  I know she means none of it, it just hurts, you know?  It's hard to have somebody you love say that they hate you, even if they didn't mean one word.

Her mother couldn't stop smiling.  "Wonderful... Absolutely wonderful," she evil-y merrily said.  She slid the pair of scissors across Katy's cheek, leaving a big cut on her cheek.  I cringed.  I can't stand seeing my baby like this.  "Too bad he has to die anyway," her mom quickly said as she powerfully threw the pair of scissors at me.

"Justin, no!" Katy screamed, frantically.

I said a very quick prayer, then I made myself fall backward in the chair.  I landed with a "THUD!" and my back hurts a bit, but I'd rather have a little back pain over being stabbed.  The pair of scissors flew right over me and into a piece of furniture.

Her mom walked over by me, picked me up, chair in all, opened the front door, and just threw me outside.  "Well that was nice," I mumbled to myself sarcastically.  I landed on the cool grass, only getting a brush burn on my hand and some small grass blade cuts on my face.  The door slammed and I screamed "KENNY!"  I tried my best not to get him involved up to this point, but now it's time.

I saw him get out of the limo.  "JB?" he asked.

"Down here," I yelled.

His eyes widened.  "What's going on?!" he shouted, a bit panicky.

"I'll quickly explain after you untie me," I said, looking down at tight rope against me.  He didn't say a word as he ran over to me and quickly untied the rope.

I stood up and started quickly explaining.  "Katy's mom is an alcoholic abuser. She starting abusing Katy at eleven and didn't stop until fourteen. Katy said her mom hadn't touched alcohol or tried to hurt her since. But now, she's abusing her and drinking again. It happened for the first time again the day I met Katy. I didn't want to say anything to anyone because I thought you guys wouldn't approve of her because of it. You would've thought she came from some creepy murderer family or something. But anyway, her mom caught us when we were just about to walk out of the door. She found out that Katy was coming to Atlanta with me. She said there was no way Katy was leaving with me and blah blah. Eventually, she held a pair of scissors up to my throat and she threatened to kill me unless Katy broke up with me or I broke up with her. Then, she tied me up and put me in front of Katy. Katy refused to breaking up with me, so her mom started hitting her, kicking her, punching her, yanno, whatever typical abusers do. After so long, I told Katy to just say it because I couldn't stand seeing her like that. She did, and her mom said that I was going to die anyway. She threw the pair of scissors at me, but luckily I dodged it. Then, she obviously threw me out here. She's probably abusing Katy in there right now. We. need. to. get. in. there."

"I'm calling the police," Kenny frantically said as he whipped out his phone.

"No, no, don't do that yet!" I loudly said.

"Justin, we have an abuser and almost murderer here! She needs to be arrested!" he angrily replied.

"I just don't want anyone else to know..." I mumbled.

"Well we have to get the police involved. Listen, you know that secrets are safe with them. They aren't allowed to tell business of other peoples' cases, especially one like this because you're Justin Bieber and you're involved in it too, so they REALLY can't spread your information," he calmly said as he dialed 911.

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