Chapter 2

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- Katy -

"Do you want to be the One Less Lonely Girl?" Pattie asked me, excitedly.

"Seriously? Are you sure you've got the right girl? No tha-," I began to say, but Pattie grabbed my arm and started pulling me backstage.  Chrissy waved at me, practically crying.  I knew what she was thinking; "What the hell?! A hater got picked! How is this happening? Why isn't it me?!"  I sighed as I got backstage.

"You ready?" Justin's manager, Scooter, asked me.

"Actually, I'm not a-," I began to say, but got interrupted yet again by Scooter pushing me out onto the stage.  

This is insane.  I walked out and sat on the little stool thing.  I looked out into the crowd, and sadness was written across over half of the girls' faces.  I felt like running off the stage.  An actual Belieber deserves to get picked, not a hater!  I feel bad for these girls.  One of them had a chance, but no, I just had to be picked.  Why was I picked anyway?  And there came Justin, walking straight over to me.  I looked at him, and his eyes were looking passionately into mine.  This is all planned, so I didn't worry about it.  I rolled my eyes, and awkwardly looked away.  One of the dancers handed me the bouquet of roses, stepped back, and continued dancing.  Justin was close to me now.  His hands pushed the few strands of my hair that was in my face away.  Any girl would kill to be me right now.  Any girl but myself.

"I'll take her and leave the world with One Less Lonely Girl..." Justin sang, staring into my eyes.  He started to get really close to me, like he was about to kiss me.  Okay, this part obviously wasn't planned.  What's going on?!  I leaned backward, away from him, although I was a little afraid I was going to fall off the stool.  

"That flirt," I murmured under my breath as the song finished.  

Everyone screamed and clapped.  That was Justin's last song to perform for tonight.  I walked off the stage and Pattie helped me back to my seat.  I didn't say anything, and she walked away.

- Justin -

"Justin, you can't go doing things like that! Rumors will spread, and you know what that means!" Scooter shouted once I was back in my dressing room, off stage.

"I got a little closer than I usually do with the One Less Lonely Girl. Oh, sue me," I replied, sarcastically.  I grabbed a bottle of water and drank about half of it.

"Justin, this isn't funny. I won't be surprised if pictures are posted everywhere by tomorrow depicting you very close to that girl!" he angrily told me.

I drank more of my water.  "Scoot, chill. It was just simply flirting a little more," I casually told him.

"Simply flirting can be dangerous, considering you're famous and every girl you 'simply flirt' with will get death threats from crazed fans for the next 10 months," he replied.

I laughed at that.  "You're way overreacting."  My mom walked through the door, and Scooter walked out in a ticked off manner.

"Great show tonight, huh?" I asked my mom.  I looked at her, and she was frowning.  "What's wrong?" I asked her.

"It's that One Less Lonely Girl we picked tonight. She didn't seem happy at all when I told her that she was the One Less Lonely Girl," my mom said.

I drank the rest of my water.  "She's probably a hater that got dragged here by a friend," I responded, knowing that that has actually happened in the past.

"Maybe. Well, I'm going to let you get changed now and everything," she said.

"Okay."  I grabbed my clothes as my mom walked out the door.  

The whole time I was changing, I couldn't get my mind off tonight's One Less Lonely Girl.  On stage, she didn't seem that thrilled.  Most girls' jaws drop and they cover their mouths and everything.  This one was different.  She looked my age, or a little younger.  Her brown eyes sparkled like mounds of glitter, her medium brown hair perfect.  She was beautiful.  I had to find out more about her.

- Katy -

Chrissy and I walked out to her car.  I was silent while Chrissy was a chatterbox.  She kept talking about the One Less Lonely Girl thing.  Honestly, I just wanted to push that out of my mind.  I wanted to push this whole night out of my mind.

"Hey, where's my cell phone?!" I exclaimed, feeling my pockets.  Nothing was in any of my pockets.  I begun to freak out a bit.

"It's probably in the stadium still!" Chrissy suggested.  Oh great, I have to go back in there.

"Just go home, I'll get a ride somehow," I sighed.  Chrissy hesitated, but I told her it was fine.  I watched as she drove away, leaving me in the parking lot.  Maybe letting my ride go was a bit of a bad decision.  Oh well.  I ran back to the stadium.  "Please let me in, please let me in," I begged under my breath.

"Hi, I need to get back into the stadium. I think my cell phone is in there," I told the ticket person.

"Sorry Miss, we can't let anyone back in," he sternly replied.

Ugh.  Now what am I going to do?

- Justin -

I walked back out onto the stage to grab something, and my eyes darted across the room.  I saw something shining.  I hopped off the stage and grabbed the item.  It was under the 8th seat in the front row, and the mystery item was an iPhone.  I unlocked it, and the wallpaper was a picture of some girl beside tonight's One Less Lonely Girl.  Oh my gosh.  I assumed that the girl's name was Katy, because I quickly read through some of her text messages.  I hate being a neb nose, but I just had to find out more about this girl.  I wrote down her number on my hand with the Sharpie I always keep in my backpocket, and I quickly put my number into her phone as "Justin<333".  I chuckled to myself as I looked through a few more of her texts.  One caught my eye.  Katy sent it to someone named Sarah.  It read; "ughhh, chrissys dragging me to a justin beaver concert. i reaaally dont wanna go, but chrissy spent a lot of $ on the tickets. why does it have to be him? i hate him so much."  So she was a hater.  A few days with her, and I can change her mind on that.  I smiled and locked her phone again.  Suddenly, I heard shouting coming from the ticket booth thing.  

"Come on, just please let me in so I can get my cell phone! I'm not a crazed fan, I swear! I won't pull anything! C'mon!" I heard a girl shout.  Maybe it was Katy?  

I ran to the ticket booth and there she was, arguing with the ticket guy.  She was cute, even when she was yelling at someone.


Author's note: Second chapter! Wattpad has been messing up and it's a little confusing, but I'm trying. :)

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