Chapter 32 (:

Começar do início

"Why have you been ignoring me?" he asked immediately.

"Oh, I think we both know why." I rolled my eyes at him. Such a douche bag. He punched Ryan who was just helping me by driving me back home from the nurse;s office when Rose and her minions had attacked me, literally. He had given me the support I needed both metaphorically and literally. And by the way, I shoud mention, Ryan, Sam and I have been hanging out a lot lately. The three of us are like a best friend trio now.. Weird.

He didnt reply so I got annoyed and asked him, "Arent you gonna appologise?"

"For what?" he looked at me blanky.

"For behaving that way!" He was impossible!

"What way!? He was effing asking for it!" He exasperated with his hands up in the air, which flexed his muscles in the arms and back. And before I knew it I was drooling again. Oh, Harry, with all your sexyness.. why are you such a douche sometimes? His tats looked so inviting I felt like tracing them with my finger.

I internally slapped myself.

Nikita, focus.

Yes, maam.

"He was only trying to help!" I replied kinda late.

"What part of 'helping' needs him to be kissing you?" And before I could say anything, he spoke up again, "I mean, he's not even your boyfriend!"

This really pissed me off. Talk about hypocrisy.

"Yeah, you. You just dont go there." I looked away from his ever so inviting green irises.

"Hey, what do you mean by that?" he leaned in to look at my face.

"You know exactly what I mean." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Im a little dumb, care to re-explain?"

"Well, Mr.Dumbass, I mean how you kissed me and then left me for the dogs, I know you think you are 'Harry Styles', which you are, but- what Im trying to say is, just because you're celebrity, hat doent give you a right over me. Or atleast be all hypocritical about it. I mean, you cant get all bananas when I have other friends.. "He cant kiss you, he's not even your boyfriend", Yeah, sure, whatever you say Mr.Use-and-Throw."

I said it all too fast.

Not knowing I even had such thoughts in my head till I heard myself say it.

And now it all made sense.

He had actually used me.. to prove to himself that he could get any girl to do whatever he wanted.

The thoughts ached my heart and tears tinged my eyes.

How could he?


I saw Zayn waiting for me in front of the ice-cream parlour, leaning against the car looking 'oh-so-gorgeous'. The closer I got to him the more nervous I got. Heart beting faster, palms getting... somewhat sweaty. I hope I was looking alright., aggh, who am kidding? I just ran away from a crazy-ass lunatic who liked being treated like a dog. This was our first, real cancelled/un-cancelled date. I soo didnt want to ruin it.

Before I knew it, I was right nest to him, "Hi Kaylie!!" he chirped with a smirk. A 'I-see-you-want-me-now' smirk. Or a 'At-the-end-we-got-what-I-wanted' smirk.

Zayn.. Zayn Malik. I looked at his eyes.. his beautiful amber eyes which look like they're dark brown in the shadows of the parking lot.


And then his defined and chiseled cheek bones like, they were crafted by god himself. Did he do something new with his hair? Oh and lips how can I forget them.. They're.. moving? What is he trynna say?

The Band Next DoorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora