My Problem

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- Seoyeon's POV -

The crowd that had grown increasingly large throughout my conversation with Sehun to Baehyun's unwanted appearance; I weave my way through people to escape any involvement with the two friends.

I made my way to the staircase that led to Yoona and Taeyeon on the 2nd floor. People blocked my path of utter escape when the obnoxiously loud music was turned up a few more notches than previously. Squeezing between people I felt as if I was becoming dazed within these bodies, claustrophobic.

A hand slipped around my waist, gripping it. I was about to slap the unknown hand away until I glanced up to see that it's him. He didn't look at me as he pushed me along through the impacted groups. When reaching the outskirts of the club, Baekhyun kept his hand where it was placed.

I immediately slid his hand off my waist, backing away from him. His jaw clenched, he avoided eye contact with me, "What were you doing with him?" He sounded calm, yet I knew he was pissed. "Are you interested in him?" His tone was choleric, "Do you like him?" Baekhyun bombarded me with questions that I didn't want to answer. I didn't have to. He had no right to ask. "What's it to you?" I hissed. He just chuckled at me, mockingly.

I scoffed, crossing my arms over my chest, "It's none of your business if I do or if I don't," I pivoted away from him, wanting to walk away from this nonsense of conservation.

He wrapped his hand around my waist, roughly pulling me back towards him. He barricaded me between his arms so that we were face-to-face. In his eyes, I can see that there was more than just pent up irritation in him. There was no denying that there was pain within the spots of darkness.

Baekhyun cracks a small cocky smile, amused by how surprised I am. He didn't act this way before then again those were different times. He captured my lips in his. I harshly pushed on his chest trying to get him off of me instead he pulled my body closer to his.

Entangling his fingers into my hair, Baekhyun just kept trying to deepen the kiss the more I resisted. It was becoming toxic, my mind felt more dazed by the second.

I hated this feeling. He was trying to control me, pressing our bodies closer together. Moving his lips against mine, he bit my lip in an effort to get me to open up my cavern.

I pushed on his chest harder finally getting him off of me. He backed away, his chest rising and falling while I stayed attached to the wall trying to catch my breath.

While trying to understand why he was doing this. I wiped my swollen lips with my hand. He stood there smirking at me. It made a surge of anger raise in me. What the actual fuck.

I glared at him, "What's your problem?" He just smiled like he was innocent and came closer once again. I press myself more against the wall. Hoping I could magically disappear into it. He leaned in letting his hot breath reach my ear, "My problem is you."

He left me in my state only giving me a smug look while wiping away my lipstick from his swollen lips. I rolled my eyes masking my true thoughts. He was messing with me, trying to get inside my head like I once did.

I heaved out a breath from my lungs that unknowingly kept since he appeared in front of me. I slide down to my knees without a care for the people that might see me. The events looping in my mind like a movie seen from a third person's point of view.

My problem is you.

His problem is me? He sure has some nerve to say that to me. The nerve of this man. I scoff to myself. He's my problem. I roll my eyes and quickly fix my hair then make my way back.

Of course, the first thing I saw was Baekhyun and Taeyeon smiling at each other as they dance together, holding each other's hands. Simply seeing them all giddy made me feel tightness. I need to leave.

Quickly I walked over to Yoona up the steps and spoke loudly over the music, "Hey I'm going to head out."

She turned her sight on me, wide eyed. "What? Why? We just started to have some fun. This is supposed to be our bonding time," Yoona pouted shaking my wrist.

I chuckled, "I guess I'm just old then." Yoona eyes me up and down, "In that case I don't want you to break a hip."

I smiled and kissed her cheek, "I'll see you later" She lightly smiles back, sighing. "Hopefully... next time," I grab my coat that I left on the chair and I raced down the stairs holding onto the railing.

I see Taeyeon spot me and she immediately leaves her fiancée to rush over to me. Concern and a hint of sadness within her eyes, "Don't tell me you're leaving?"

"Sorry..." As I smiled apologetically at her, "I'll see you at home."

"Seo, please stay."

"I can't. This place just isn't my scene." Not anymore.

"Okay...I guess I will see you at home." She quickly pulls me into a hug, as my head rests on her shoulder I see him smirking at me with his hands in his pockets looking damn confident, Bastard.

I squeeze her tightly "See you at home." I didn't wait for her to respond, I just wanted to leave. Why kiss me? What's his game? Thoughts were racing through my head one after another until.. "I see you were running towards me" Sehun stopped me in my tracks bringing me back into reality.

I smirk, "You wish."

"Ouch you wounded me," He playfully holds his chest as if I stabbed him.

Lightly pushing his shoulder, "I would rather be at home right now."

"What's wrong?" His eyes filled with worry.

"Nothing," I make the best effort to smile.

"This is just not me anymore but I'll see you later," He quickly grabs my wrist. "What's wrong?" My eyes widen as I feel discovered. This place and the people make me feel uneasy.

"Like I said this isn't me anymore," I slide out of his hold and quickly go outside, taking in the deepest intake of breath.

I take out my phone and began to dial Chanyeol's number. I need to hear his voice. He calms me. He changed me. I hear the dial tone go through but I only got voicemail. What the hell?

I call him again, at the very last ring he answers, "Hey." His voice sounded callous like he is stressed.

"You okay?" There was a long pause. I pulled my phone away to see if he was still there.

"Yeah but are you okay? Sounds like you're out of breath."

I sighed, "Feels like I ran a marathon." I hear him chuckle lightly. "It feels weird here."

"But it's your home." He sounded a bit aggravated. He has never sounded like that before. Normally, he has a dumb smile across his face and a happy-go-lucky rhythm about him.

He sighed, "I want you to be happy."

"I know you do..." Why is he saying that all of the sudden?

"Then don't worry anymore...I'm really tired we'll talk soon." I realize that it is early morning over there in LA.

"Okay..." I slowly said as I pulled a strand of my hair behind my ear while looking down at my heels. Maybe he needed some rest, I can call him later.

"Be happy..." He says lastly, hanging up the phone.

Be happy. Why did those words bother me? Something is off with him.


Baekhyun is nothing but trouble. What do you think of Baekhyun's kiss with Seoyeon? What is with the sudden change in Seoyeon's boyfriend's tone?



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