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Hey guys, its me. The author of this fanfiction.

You've all probably been wondering where the freaking fûck I've been. And the answer is one that'll make you feel like punching me in the face, cause it makes me feel that way.

I've been to lazy to write the next chapter. I've got four published stories that I need to update, but I honestly can't. My Werewolf book is a spur of the moment thing. Okay, that was a lie, I've been thinking about writing in fantasy categories for the past year. But I only felt comfortable doing werewolf shit.

My divergent fanfic was written after I was stuck in the public library with my little cousin. I have no idea why I felt like that was a good idea to publish it, but I'll probably take it down, for now anyways. I'll republish it once I finish TMG.

My JTK story was something my friend convinced me to do. I liked the idea at the time, now it just seems like to much. I'll probably unpublish it for a while too. Till I finish my werewolf book.

Don't think I've given up on this story. I haven't. Sometimes I feel like deleting it, but then I just let it sit there until I can bother looking at my recent writing in it. I've started the next chapter, but I write like two words a day, if not a fûcking week. I'm terrible at this.

If your one of those people that just comments 'Update' then don't expect anything from me. I hate that. If your gonna say that, then tell me reasons you like the story, or tell me about you. Don't just tell me to update my stuff. This is hard work for me. I'm a lazy bitch if you couldn't already tell. But I'll try to be better at updating, y'all can rant out on me, I wouldn't blame you. Go ahead, hit me with it. I deserve it.

When I publish the next chapter, it may not be long, but I need to start dishing the out


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2016 ⏰

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