Unexpected Wedding Gift

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Odell POV

Amira and I are holding hands as I drive us back to our place in Jersey, sadly our honeymoon is over. Besides sex we did many activities including snorkeling, zip lining, rock climbing, para sailing and we swam a lot. My baby loves the ocean and I love seeing her so happy & free. Plus she looking so fucking good in her bikini, her ass was eating her bottoms and made it look like she had a thong on. Luckily when she wore that particular bikini we were in the pool at our villa.

"What are you thinking about? All smirking and shit.

"That bikini.

"Oh god, you love that.

"I just love you in it and out of it.

"Hmm, maybe we should continue our honeymoon at home.

She smiles at me and I clench the steering wheel harder. I can't wait to get home and be in that pussy again. Therefore I drive faster and we get to condo in 15 minutes. Amira gets out and goes to get the bags but I stop her.

"I will get the bags later.

I smirk


She walks in front of me and I smack her ass while she opens the door.

"I'm about to have you bend over the couch.

"Well I'm glad your in a good mood son.

Amira and I jump.

"Mom, what are you doing here?

"I came to deliver someone.

"What? Who?


Jennifer my college girlfriend and a little boy come down the steps.


"What?! *Amira and Odell

"You have a son? *Amira


"Yes. *Jennifer

"Hey Daddy.

"Hello um


"Hello Aiden. *Odell

"Hi Aiden, I'm Amira. Wanna go get a snack?


Amira takes Aiden hand and leds him into the kitchen, while glaring at me. Damn, I'm not getting pussy now and maybe ever.

"So start explaining.

"Your mom paid me not to tell you.

"You took the money cause your a gold digger that was and still trying to trap my son.

"Your son loved me.

"Enough. Is Aiden really my son?

"Sweetie, I took your toothbrush and got it tested. He really is your son.

"Wow. I missed all this time because of you. Mom you need to leave.

"I'm sorry son, I was just trying to protect you.

She walks out the door.

"Well I'm going to go, since now you know you can spend some time with him.

"Okay, When will you be back.

"When I'm ready.

She holds up her hand and I get confused.

"Money, back child support. Hand it over. *Jennifer

(Maybe my mom did me a favor)

I hand her some money Then leaves. I go into the kitchen and find Amira making Aiden laugh.

"Daddy, we are making cookies.

"Oh really.


"Aiden you want to go watch tv in the living room?

"with the doggies?

"Yup, they are already in the living room. Be nice to them

"Nice to doggies.

He runs out the kitchen.

"Odell, its okay. I heard y'all convo. Your mom was wrong and right at the same time. Jennifer is a piece of work and a schemer.

"How do you know that?

"Cause I've seen her before.


"At Rueben house.


"Yup. When we dated he had a get together that you didn't attend. She and Aiden were there. I don't think its a concidence or maybe she was looking to trap another player. You never know.

"True. I'm going to ask Rueben about her. But for now I want to know are we good?

"Yes of course. This was way before me so I can't be mad. You was playing football and being a ho while I was in the projects dying to get out of them. I love you and so I instantly love Aiden. Now go spend time with your son while I check on the cookies.

"I love you too baby.

I peck her lips then leave.

A/n: What do you think about this chapter?

Like Jennifer?

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