Chapter 5

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So I didn't have any idea what to write for this but I guess desperate times call for desperate measures ... Some drama is going to come along! So yeah, hang in there

Also, I'm thinking of writing a Larry fic after is book, not sure what about but I'll definitely write 1



Kenzy's POV

On Saturday afternoon Rachel had left to go home and get ready for her little date with Mr. Cliff- I mean Michael. Yeah, yeah, they had exchanged numbers and i found that she had been typing to him all morning before i could even think to wake up. Apparently he had woken her up at 5 am - 5AM IN THE MORNING! I mean, cmon who does that? Obviously Michael. Anywho... She had to leave because she was one hell of a blushing mess and couldn't stop giggling.
Once she had left I had nothing to do. Well nothing besides stalking Ashton. But oh my is he one fine piece of work.

Sunday had rolled in too quickly for my liking, I didn't feel like doing anything besides lounging around in my underwear and eating ice cream. Mom had left to go somewhere - most likely the pub. I really don't know, she never told me anything and besides- if she was out in the air then that means that she was at least half decent and not a dirty drunkard how some might see her.

But it was now Monday and I was stuck in gym class doing stupid laps around the gym class with some girl named Savanna who wouldn't shut her mouth about Mr. Hood.
"Oh gosh, is he looking? He is looking! Hide me. Oh shi- he's coming up to -" "Just chill okay. Yeah he might be staring and walking up to us but you shouldn't really be bothered." I shrugged, slowing my jog to a walking pace.
She did the same and gave me a questioning look as to how calm I could be. I shrugged her off and turned my attention to Mr. Hood who was now in front of us. "Hello ladies. I was wondering if I could please talk to you alone Kenzy, I have a few things to tell you." He said sternly which made me shiver. Yeah I might not like him like I do Ashton, but he is still pretty hot. Savanna gave me a glare and I knew instantly that she liked Mr. Hood. I smirked and looked back at him. "Um, yeah sure sir but could Savanna stay with me? I'm sure she could join in on the conversation."
He gave a slight blush and immediately an idea came to me, but I would have to plan it later. Mr. Hood gave a cough. "No. This is very important and personal. As I said earlier, I would like to talk to you alone."
Sava looked a bit flushed but jogged off to the others who were stretched out on the wood floors.

Mr. Hood ran a hand down my arm saying I must stay in my spot as he instructed the class what the would be doing for today. Once he was finished and satisfied with the class, he came back to me. He lead me out into the passage way of the entrance to the gym where no one could hear us. "Right. Has Lu- uh I mean Mr. Hemmings said anything to you yet?" I looked at him confused and shocked that he would even dare bring that teachers name up. "No, but if this is what you wanted to talk to me about, I will definitely go play Dodge ball with the-" he clamped a hand over my mouth and practically pinned me against the wall with his body.
"Shhh. Nobody must know we are here."
"Calum?" My eyes widened as I knew that voice too well. I turned my head to see if it really was him and as soon as he noticed that it was me, he let out a low growl of anger which made Mr. Hood back away.

In Love With My Teacher - Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now