Chapter 18

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Hey sorry y'all, my lap top charger wan't working so that's why I was on able to post more,

I hope you all like this part,

It may be a little shocking to some,

but I won't  spoil it.

Any way I hope you like it!



After about a week and a half James got out of the hospital. I went to see him everyday, and even took Easton up there once. James and I haven't been better than this for a while. I felt bad for just forgetting about Drew, but I had to it was the best thing to do. I couldn't keep what had happened at the hospital that night from James, I had to tell him.

          "James, I don't want you to get mad when I tell you this, but when Drew and I left your room there was no one in the halls…" I paused.

          "Okay, I care about that why?" He asked.

          "James, I kissed him again. I couldn't stop, I haven't had a feeling like I did that night in a long time. It felt right so I had to kiss him. James I'm sorry."

          "Don't be sorry, if he makes you happy be with him. I know where your heart is, it's going to always be with me. Try it out, you can always come back you know that."

          "I don't want to hurt you James."

          "Your not going to hurt me. And I know you're happy with me, but you deserve better."

          "James, I can't."

          "Yes, you can. I know how much you both like each other, just go for it. Do it for me please. If you loved me you would be happy with him."

          "I can't do it James."

          "He's here right now, let's see if you'll change your mind now." When Drew walked in and looked amazing. "Can you do it now?"

          "James no."

          Even though I really wanted to, I couldn't. Drew walked up to me and kissed me. I still had that feeling I had at the hospital. He finally pulled away.

          "Can you now." James said with a smile.

          "Yes, I can. But what if Drew and I work out, then what?" I asked.

          "Then you both work out. As long as I still see my son it's all good." He said.

          "Well, okay." I said kind of hurt, since he wasn't putting up a fight to get me back.

          Did, James really want me to move on from him? Was this a game he was playing? What was going on? Everything was moving so quickly, like I had been drugged or something. Then I blacked out.

          "Hope, can you hear me?" I heard a familiar voice.

          I opened my eyes to find that it was the same people when James had over dosed on those pills.

          "She's responsive." One of the guys called out.

          I saw, Drew right beside me as they were moving me into the ambulance. I thought this was all fake but I guess it wasn't, this was real, James and I were over. The only time I would ever see him is when I drop off Easton and pick him up.

          "What's going on?" I asked Drew.

          "You passed out, right after you said that, you'd be with me. Is that really what you want?"

          "No, it's not. Wait, yes. Yes, I want to be with you, but I love James. I can't do this. Drew, what happened?"

          "I don't know. You were in a daze and then fell to the floor. If you don't want to be with me just say no."

          "I do want to. Drew, can we just stop talking about it please. Where's my baby? I want Easton."

          "It's fine he's with James. They’re right behind us."

          "Okay." I said before I fell asleep.


Sorry it's so short, I promise the next on will be a little longer,

I hope you all liked it.

Remember to comment Rate and add me,

I'll post more later :))

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