Chapter 9

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Okay so here's another chapter Hope y'all like it!



First period was a drag. I wondered if this day could go any slower? I wasn't ready to face Mitchell again I knew after class he'd be waiting for me. Finally after what seemed liked hours in first period the bell rang. Wouldn't you know Mitchell was waiting for me like always.

"Hope we need to talk."

"About what, there's really nothing to talk about." I told him.

"After this morning there's plenty to talk about. Do you know how many people think you pregnant Hope?" He sounded a little upset.

"People think I'm pregnant are you serious?"

"Yes, I am Hope!"

"Well I'm not, because nothing happened okay Mitchell!" I yelled at him.

"Whatever Hope! I'm coming over after school and we're talking just the two of us!" I yelled back.

"Fine! But right now I need to get to class."

I walked off ignoring what he said. I walked into class and talked to Sarah. After all she's the only one I can really talk to this about, because I don't want anyone else knowing even though they most likely already do but I don't really care at this point.

"Sarah, I have this feeling that Mitchell and I are going to break-up today?"

"What, why?" she sounded concerned.

"Well, after what happened at the party and everyone thinking i'm pregnant, and us arguing ever since the party."

"Oh, well I can really see his point though Hope."

"Really, who's said are you on here Sarah?"

"I'm on your side, but what you did was stupid!"

"I know and I keep telling myself that. But I can't undo what's already done."

"I know, Hope and I'm here if you need me. Are you going to go to the doctor to see?"

"Yes, I'm going to call today after school and see if I can get in Friday and just miss school. And thanks!"

"Okay, girl do you need someone to go with you? And anytime."

"No, I can go by myself, but thanks." I lied to her, James was going and that's all the people that really needed to go.


We stopped talking and payed attention to the teacher and she was explaining our assignment. I wonder if this day could go any slower? Or this week for this matter geez!

After lunch the day went a little quicker. When last period came Mitchell and I didn't say a word to each other. After I finished my work I put my head on my desk and drifted off to sleep. I woke up when the bell to go home went off. Who knew sleeping could make classes go by so much quicker!

I walked to my car alone. When I was getting ready to leave Mitchell walked up. He apologized for earlier, and said he still wanted to talk. In all honesty I should be the one apologizing, I'm the one that cheated! But oh well.

I pulled up to my house. Moments later Mitchell pulled up. We went inside I asked him if he wanted something to drink and he said no. We sat in silence for what seemed like hours, but was really like fifteen seconds.

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