Chapter 10

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I want to Thank my 8 Fans for reading my story and the rest of you that are reading I hope you all like it!

Well here's another Chapter!

I hope y'all like it! :)

ENJOY!!!!!!! :)




Well for starters I was shocked Hope didn't pick me, but I understood completely. For one I lied when I answered each question, and I pretended to suck at dancing, because I wanted her to think I was Mitchell and she would pick me, it that makes any sense at all. I thought for sure she thought it was Mitchell when I answered that I didn't want kids. But I guess not. But I knew it wasn't over!

A few weeks later she showed up at a party, we use to go to parties together all the time. She never drank though and I never knew why, but she lost all control over her self at this party. She came up to me and asked if I would come with her, me being myself I went not thinking about what would happen.

Well, we went into the bathroom together, she was a little drunk and I was a little buzzed I knew what was happening and I didn't try to stop her, but I should have. I guess you could call it a hook up, I made sure we were both protected. She said she was on the pill and I wore protection. All I can say is I had a pretty good time except Mitchell was at the door begging her to come out but she just kept going. He finally left when he heard both of us moaning.

When we came back out, no one was really paying attention. She was all over me but I didn't care, we were only having fun. Mitchell pulled her off when she started grinding on me. Yeah thanks Mitchell we were only having some fun gosh!

The next morning I woke up to my phone ringing it was Hope so I answered it, she needed to talk. Boy, did I have the worse hangover ever. I just wanted to know how I got home? Maybe I called a cab, I can't remember.

I took some ibuprofen before Hope showed up. She knocked on the door I answered it, forgetting I was only wearing my boxers. She looked a little worried. I went upstairs to put on some pants, then came back down and talked to her.

She asked me about what happened last night, so I told her everything. Then she asked if I used protection. I told her yes, and I asked her again if she was on the pill. She looked at me and said, "I've never been on the pill. What are you talking about." Great so there's a chance she could be though, but even if she was on the pill it could've still happened. We finished talking and she left. I told her to let me know when she was going to the doctor because I wanted to go with her.

Yeah, I was trying to get her back but I didn't want to knock her up to get her back! I thought about it a lot, if she was pregnant. I decided that if she was I would tell her to keep it, and I would help out and maybe we could work something out.

It felt like forever before she called to let me know that she was going to the doctor on Friday. I told her I would drive her and she could stay with me Thursday night, she agreed. The whole week dragged on and on.

Finally Thursday came, after school Hope came over. I told her she could sleep in my bed and I'd sleep in the living room. Yeah I had a two bedroom apartment but I had my work out stuff in the other room. That night we talked about a lot of stuff. I'm almost certain I will get her back.

She told me all her and Mitchell have done is argue but he's finally starting to come around. Finally we went to bed. I layed awake for hours thinking about tomorrow. I didn't know what I was going to do if she was, I was about as scared as she was embarrassing as that sounds.

I woke up and was nervous, Hope was already in the shower. She came downstairs when she was done and I went to take mine. I could tell when she came downstairs she was really nervous. As soon as I was dressed we left.

The whole way there I held her hand. Neither of us said anything, the whole way there. Finally when we got there and got out of the vehicle I told her, "Hope it's fine. I promise, i'm here for you." I assured her. I could tell she calmed down a little.

Then she asked what would happen if she was pregnant. I told her we would keep it and try to work something out if that was possible. Then she thanked me. After I got her calmed down I started to feel really nervous.

She signed in and she sat beside me. I took her hand. They finally called her back in the room after what seemed like hours of waiting. They had her pee in a cup to test to see if she was pregnant. Then they did an ultra sound.

When I saw the screen my jaw dropped and Hope looked at me then she looked at the screen. That's when the doctor told her, she's pregnant. I felt like I was about to pass out. I nurse looked at me and helped me sit down.

"James are you okay?" Hope asked.

"I-I-I'm fine." he said.

"You don't look fine." she told me.

The nurse assured her that all the guys are like that, well most of them anyway. I couldn't believe it though she was pregnant with my baby! I didn't even know what to do, I'm not ready to be a daddy, and I know for a fact she's not ready to be a mommy! But I told her we would keep it and do our best and I'm sticking to my word.

Well looks like now, I'm going to be a dad. I have to move all my stuff out of the other bed room to make it the room for the baby, but I would move it all out as time got a little closer. Right now we still have a little over eight months to worry about it.


I know it's short and I'm sorry!

I hope you all like it though I had so much fun writing it! :)


I promise another chapter soon!


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