Chapter 11

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Okay, Here's another Chapter!

Hope you like it!

Sorry, it's taking me ages to write this chapter.

 To be honest, I've been busy and i've been stuck on what to write.


Back to Hope's P.O.V

I couldn't believe I was pregnant it didn't seem real at all! But oh, well shit happens I guess. I let Mitchell know I was pregnant, he seemed okay I just couldn't stay with him. I didn't know how to tell him either it was complicated.

I decided to wait and tell Mitchell Monday, I stayed with James the whole weekend so we could talk about what was going to happen. We were going to get back together and try to work things out.

I went home Sunday night I was about two weeks pregnant now. The party seemed like for ever ago. I was going to stay with James again, but didn't I wanted to be by myself for awhile. I went to sleep fairly early it was like 9:30 pm, but I was so tired.

I woke up and got ready for school, the same routine, take a shower, get dress and watch a little T.V. while I waited till it was time to leave. I drove myself to school again I just couldn't take riding with Mitchell after what I had done at the party.


I got to school and Mitchell was waiting for me like always when I drove myself to school. I couldn't think of how to tell him that I didn't want to be with him anymore. I went up and he kissed me like always.

"So your, uh pregnant?" He asked.

"Um, yeah and with that sound I need to talk to you." I told him hoping he knew what I was about to say.

"About what?" He asked concerned.

"Well, Mitchell I don't think I can see you anymore. James and I are going to try and work things out, I mean everything was good when him and I were together, but you know about the baby thing." I told him.

"I completely understand, where you're coming from, and that's good, I mean that you guys are going to work things out." He said rubbing his neck.

"Yeah, Michell I want you to know something."

"What's that?"

"You will always be my friend and I will always love you. And I promise to keep in touch with you, but I won't be coming back to school after today."

"I will always love you, too Hope. Are you dropping out!"

"No, I'm taking all my classes on-line. I don't think it will be as stressful you know?"

"Yeah, I know what you mean." He looked at me. Geez I was going to miss looking at his dark brown eyes that I loved so much but this was the best thing to do.

"I have to get to class Mitchell."

"Okay, see ya later." He hugged me.

I didn't know it was going to be so hard to let him go, I liked him more than I really thought. I walked to class and told Sarah that this was my last day and that I was taking all my classes on-line. She understood. I wasn't that upset about not being able to see her, because I could see her anytime I wanted and it wouldn't be weird.

The day flew by Mitchell and I barley talked at all. When the bell rang to go home I was one of the first people out of the door. I couldn't take it, just looking at Mitchell made me feel bad. I hurried to my car and drove home.

No sooner than I pulled in my driveway, I broke down. The tears just started pouring. Was I doing the right thing? Should I have just stayed with Mitchell? So many questions were running through my mind I couldn't even think start.

Finally I got myself together, and went inside. I text James to come over since he still was on summer break. How he was still on summer break I will never know, they got out the same day we did, but whatever.

James got here and we talked the whole night. I let him know that I was going to do classes on-line since it wouldn't be as stressful. He seemed okay with it. As it got later and later I told him he could stay with me if he wanted. He took me up on that offer.

It was about two in the morning before we went to bed. We were up talking about getting back together and everything, right now we were still just friends. I know it sounds weird just being friends and being pregnant with his baby but stuff happens when your not in the right state of mind. By that I mean drinking and getting drunk!

In the morning I woke up and found a note from James. I went to go get coffee. I love you beautiful. I never thought I'd hear let alone read those words from him again. I couldn't help but smile .

I got out of bed and went down stairs. James was walking in the door. "Good morning beautiful." He said handing me my coffee. I smiled.

"Good morning. Thanks for the coffee." I said looking at his gorgeous blue eyes.

"No need to thank me." He kissed me.

He picked me up and sat me on the counter. He kept kissing me. I some how knew where this was going. I pulled away from him, he picked me up and we went upstairs. 

The feeling was even better than that night in the bathroom when we were both intoxicated. Even though I remember everything from that night, this was a moment I would never forget. Even though this was my second time, it felt like my first. What I mean is it was my first time having sex without drinking and it felt great!

Afterwards we layed in bed talking about names for the baby even thought we still have a little over eight months we wanted to get a head start. We both liked Nevaeh Marie for a girl, and Easton Micheal for a boy. But who knows we could change our mind between now and then.

I needed to get ready and start my homework, I could wait till I was done so I didn't have to worry about homework until I decided to go to college. James helped me with all my homework so I got done pretty quick, it wasn't that he was in college and he knew this stuff already but he was really smart and it wasn't making one bit of since to me. English was about the only thing I'm good at. Even though sometimes it doesn't seem like it.

I let James stay for a couple more days at my house, since my mom was never home. Then once she got back I stayed with him, because I couldn't tell her I was pregnant right now. Maybe if it was Mitchell's she wouldn't care, but James was another story because he was a Junior in College and I was only a Senior in high school. I would tell her sooner or later right now just wasn't the time.


I apologize again for taking forever to post this!

I hope you like it.

School starts one week from today so I will post as much as I can until then.

But when school does start I probably wont post as much, but when I get the time I promise to have more up! :)

Leave comments below, let me know if you want anything to happen and I will try to put it in there. I want to know what you all like and I will fit it in somewhere.


Thanks y'all!


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