Chapter 4

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I still have no fans but I guess it's cool.

I hope to get some soon!

Here is another Chapter I hope you all will like!


The day flew by along with the rest of the week. Friday night we began the dates. I let the guys choose who went first. I got ready I put little chips in both ears that changed the guys voices and I put on the blindfold on so I couldn't see them. Finally one of them took my hand and we left.

He helped me into the truck, so I figured it was Mitchell. "So I was thinking we would go far a walk in the park even though you can't see what's going on you will still have fun I can feel it." he said. "What else do you have planned?" I asked. "I can't tell you." he said. "Fine!" I said as I crossed my arms. The vehicle stopped and he helped me out. We walked a little and he helped me sit down on what felt like a blanket. He fed me stawberry's and grape's. Then later we ate sandwiches.

Finally I started asking questions. "How do you feel about the other guy?" "Well I don't like him, but he seems okay and you seem happy when your around him. But I feel like you can do better than him." Now I began to think it was James. But i wasn't sure. "Okay, how many kids do you want?" "Well, I want at least two, one boy and one girl." Oh my gosh me too. I thought to myself. This had to be James because he only knew I wanted two, One boy and one girl. Out of all the questions I could have asked I didn't. I started feeling sick so I told him I had to cut the date short. He helped me back into the truck and we drove back to my house.

*                           *                                    *                                       *                                     *

We finally got back to my house I went to my room a layed down for a while. When I woke up I went downstairs and saw both guys still sleeping I looked at the time it read 8:30 am. Wow I slept for awhile, but I feel much better. I went back upstairs and took a shower. Then I got ready. When I returned downstairs both guys were awake. We had breakfast. Then I put on the blindfold and put in the little chips and left for the next date. Again one of them helped me in the truck. Now i didn't know who was who. "So, What are we doing today?" I asked. "Well I thought I would take you dancing just me and you no other people." "Sounds fun." I lied. I hated dancing I couldn't dance to same my life. "Great can't wait." He said. "There's something you should know." I told him. "What's that?" "I can't dance." I chuckled. "It'll be fine I will help you." I smiled.

"We're here." He helped me out of the truck. We went inside. "I thought there were no other people?" I asked. "There's not Hope." He assured me. "Well I can feel peoples eyes on me." "I promise to you no one is here but us." "Okay." He took my hand and we began dancing. Was it just me or did this date suck! He wasn't that great at dancing either. I began to ask the most important question. "How many kids do you want?" "To be honest none, well maybe one but that's it." Wow way to stab my heart, I wanted kids one day. "Okay, what do you think of the other guy?" "Well I can't stand him simple as that." "Oh, well if you don't mind I'm ready to go." I said impatiently. "Sure what ever you want."

We drove home in complete silence. I wasn't happy with the date or the answers. I was going to ask more but he pissed me off and I was ready to leave. Tomorrow I would tell them which one won. I just hoped I picked the right one.

We got home, and settled in then I took off the blindfold and removed the chips. I headed to my room and that's where I stayed the rest of the night. I had a big decision to make, I just hope I would choose that right one.

I thought long and hard about who I was picking. I was set on picking the first date, not just because I got the answer I wanted but because they were nice and I felt like we totally clicked. I felt horrible for ending the date because I felt like I was going to get sick.

As for the second date. Yeah dancing wasn't my forte but I still had some fun making fun of how neither of I could dance. But we just didn't click. I was hopping the first guy was Mitchell, but on the other hand I still wanted to be with James. I mean he had those beautiful blue eyes!

Jeez why did picking one guy have to be so hard. Why could't I just be with both of them? Never mind don't answer that! I'm not a slut, I mean I wasn't doing anything with either of them. I've only made-out with James and that was it, and I only kissed Mitchell.

I was so confused I wanted to be with Mitchell but I had a feeling that the first date, was James just because he was the only one besides my family that knew I only wanted two kids. One boy and one girl. But either way I was still picking the first guy.

I fell asleep thinking about it. I woke up the next morning to find both boys still asleep. James sleeping in the recliner and Mitchell on the couch. I went back to thinking what if date one wasn't Mitchell. What would I do? If i didn't like my choice say 'Oh sorry I thought I had picked Mitchell because he is the one I want to be with?' No that sounded stupid, no matter what who ever it was I wasn't going to say anything like that.

*                    *                    *                    *                        *                           *                            *                         *

Finally hours later they woke up. We ate breakfast. I was just ready to get this thing over with. We all went and sat in the living room. I broke the silence. "I had fun on both dates." I lied. I only like the first one but they didn't need to know that. "But, I can only choose one of you." They both took a deep breath. "Date one, I had so much fun on our date. Sorry I had to make it short due to me not feeling well." Both guys continued looking at me. "And I think we clicked really well and if i don't choose you I hope we can still be friends."

"And as for date two well I'll be honest, the date sucked." we all laughed. "But it was still fun considering I can't dance. But no matter who I choose I hope we can still be friends." I wasn't ready for the part I was getting ready to say. "The guy I choose is..."


Cliff Hanger!

Who do you want her to choose? OR who do you hope she chooses?

Leave your comment below please! :)

The Next chapter will be in Jame's point of view.

Yep that's means I'm going to leave you guys hanging for a while. Sorry! :)

So who Likes James and wants Hope to choose him? Like this!

Comment if you want Hope to Choose Mitchell.

Ok I'll quit talking now. I promise another chapter coming soon! :)


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