Chapter 17

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We got settled into our room, and Easton was still asleep. I set up his play pin and laid him in it. While Drew and I laid in bed watching T.V. I was to upset to go to sleep so I turned on my side so Drew wouldn't be able to see me cry.

"Hope are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine, Drew. I'm just upset is all."

"I can cheer you up."

"How, will you do that?" I said turning over.

"Like this." He pressed his lips to mine.

I let my mind wonder off, forgetting all about what happen between James and I. I really liked Drew he was perfect, the minute Easton started crying he got up and changed his diaper and fed him for me.

"Drew you didn't have to do that, but thank you." I said with a smile on my face.

"I wanted to. I figured I'd do something nice, and let you have a break."

"Thanks Drew, but that's the whole responsibility of having a baby, you don't get breaks. They always keep you on your feet."

"I know, Hope. I'm just trying to be nice." He said as he kissed me.

"I know. You need to get some sleep though, you have school, tomorrow." I told him.

"I got to thinking I might skip tomorrow just so I can be with you." He smirked.

"Drew, you need to go to school this is your last week."

"We're not doing anything, or at least I'm not. I've already taken all the final exams."

"Okay, I believe you, but I'm going to sleep." I kissed him.

"Goodnight." He said putting his arm around me as I turned on my side.

"Goodnight Drew."

I fell into a deep sleep, I was so worn out that, I didn't even hear Easton crying until Drew moved to get up. When I had went to sleep his shirt was still on, but when I woke up it was off.

"Drew, I got him lay back down." I said.

"No, Hope it's fine I can take care of him. You were sleeping so peacefully that I didn't want to wake you, but I guess I wasn't very successful."

"If you say so." I smiled at him. I couldn't go back to sleep, I laid there watching Drew feed him. He looked so good holding Easton, that I had almost totally forgot about James, but I couldn't. I turned over and I knew he was going to ask something.

"What's wrong?" He asked concerned.

"It's nothing, I just... never mind."

"Please tell me. Is it James?" He asked.

I was quite. He finished feeding Easton then burped him and came back to bed. He looked over my shoulder, and kissed me on the cheek.

"Is it about James? Do you miss him? I can take you back if you want me to." He said.

"It is, about James. Yes, I miss him after all he is the father on my son and they look just alike. No, I don't want to go back. I'm just really confused. I'm going to give it a couple days. I'm expecting a phone call or text about the note I left him."

"Oh, well I'm always here if you need me. I promise."

"Okay, Thanks Drew. I'm going back to sleep."

"Okay." He kissed me.

I didn't know what I wanted. I like Drew and was in love with James, but this fight we were having was making me think twice. I was awaken by a phone call from James. I wasn't going to answer but I did anyway.

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