Chapter 7

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First I want to thank my first fan luvin2livNlivin2luv it means so much to me! At first she was a fan on iPeriod and has followed this story from the begining! Thanks again girl!

Here is another chapter I hope you like it.


 I got to James's apartment around 4:25 pm. I knocked at the door. He answered. I gave him the biggest hug ever. "Hey!" for the first time I was excited to see him. "Hey." he said back. "Hope I miss you so much!" I thought he would never say that! "Oh my gosh James I miss you too. If Mitchell and I don't work out do you think you would text me back?" "Of course, Hope. Your the only girl that i've ever loved and I can control myself when your with me." Wow I totally didn't see that one coming. Maybe, I shouldn't be with Mitchell. I just want my old life back!

"Are you serious?" I stammered.

"Yes, Hope!"

"James, I have to go." I said.

"Okay, bye Hope."

"Bye, James see ya later!" I said as I walked out the door.

Wow, this was a bad call. Now I know how James really feels about me. I just don't want Mitchell to find out about this. I mean I wasn't doing anything wrong I just talked to him but, if I would have stayed I probably would have done somethings I'd regret later on.

I went to Michell's since I knew my mom wouldn't be home. I let myself in. And didn't see him. I looked everywhere and finally found him, he was in the shower.

I waited in his room i sat down on his bed, which was really soft i mean it's like setting on a cloud. Sleeping in it was even better. He finally came in with a towel wrapped around his waist. Wow he looked amazing, I mean not as good as James but Mitchell was still good looking to. His eyes met mine.

"When did you get here?" He asked

"Like five minutes ago. Why?"

"I was just wondering, I'm glad your here though."


"Because, I missed you."

"Really? I missed you too." I kissed him.

He looked at me. Before he planted another kiss on me, which led to a make out session. I ran my fingers through he wet hair. Then I pushed him off.

"What?" he asked.

"Get some clothes on, I'll go to the living room."

"No stay in here please." He begged me.

"Fine! But i'm going to be immature and not look." I lied.


"Because." I teased him.

"Okay, but your loss."

"Oh, shut up Mitchell."

He got dressed. Okay I will be honest I did look at him more than once! Then we went downstairs, he sat me on the counter while he cooked me diner. He really was a good cook, I keep telling him after high school he need to go to culinary school, but he swears up and down he can't cook.

"Mitchell you are a really good cook."

"No, I'm not."

"Shut up Mitchell, yes you are." I assured him

"What ever you say, Hope."

I knew I would win this I always do. I just wish he would believe me. But we all know he won't. I could always say if he doesn't go then I won't see him anymore. Nah, that's to mean. Wait a second that might actually work! But I won't tell him right now.

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