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::later that day::

Lea: ray wake up

Ray: why

Lea: its damn 5 oclock , and you know damn why you be up late at night

Ray: your not my mom

Lea: whatever but i want you to get up

Ray: are we having company

Lea: no

Ray: oh then im staying sleep ,

Lea: ared im leaving out

Ray: where you going

Lea: places , why

Ray: cause i dont wanna be lonely

Lea: call somebody to come over

Ray: nahh im good & when are you getting kayla and kailon

Lea: when mierra call me

Ray: ared , but wait i might let nasir come over

Lea: omg i hate that nigga since middle school, he was my elementary boyfriend 4-5 grade and he been phony since 6 grade..... If i come home he here im going to cry

Ray: why cry

Lea:"putting on sweater(s)" i miss him

Ray: oh , well sunday i have work

Lea: really 😫 noooo

Ray: you and the kids can come

Lea: okay maybe i can teach a class

Ray: noo you need the gym first

Lea:"death stare" nigga saying im fat

Ray: baby your a beautiful shape ..

Lea: yea ared , well bye raper "kiss his cheek"

Ray:i dont rape

Lea: whatever bye

Ray: bye "calling nasir"

Phone convo

N: Wassup

R: you tryna chill

N: ared , leanna or destiny there

R: nah lea just left , why wassup

N: nahh cause i aint tryna ve in the middle of something but im on my way

R: Ard B,

End of comvo

Ray pov

I dont know whats going on but imma keep him here when she get back and see whats gonna happen between them

But i hope she dont cheat !!!

Lea pov

I was on my way to go food shopping , but i got a call from destiny telling me too meet her at the mall .. So i got there and she was in the food court sad

Lea: Whats wrong babe

Des: Trey Is Seeying another woman , he doesnt know i know

Lea:"buying carmel coffee" get in his ass when you see him

Des: i dont wanna make it obvious

Lea: oh , what made you wanna come down here

Des: the mall calms me down being around clothes and shoes .

Lea: oh ok well kets get the shopping .......

Des: can i stay for a few

Lea: sure ray wouldn't mind

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