2m later

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2 months later leanna is 2 months pregnant everybody knows except long lost friends somebody keeps calling leanna but nobody is talking chris doesnt bather lea no more

End pov

Lea:ray somebody keeps calling me idk know who it is

Ray: next time they call block it

Lea: okay im hungry

Ray: then eat

Lea: cook for got pleasee

Ray: what you want

Lea: pasta -phone rings- hello

??: hey babe

Lea: i know that voice da'sean

Da: yup im the one who keeps calling you

Lea: you Hoe -laughs

Da: so how you been

Lea: well im 2 months pregnant

Da: oh congrats

Lea: yep thanks

Da: so wheres your"boyfriend"

Lea: cooking for mem

Da: would you like to go to the holly downtown park later at night

Lea: yea sure can ray and the boys come & isnt it cold for mid november to be outside

Da: sure no problem (lies) .. But i guess but you can wrap up

Lea: okay thanks bye see you later-hangs up-


::ray pov::

Me: who was that

Lea: da'sean he wants us to go to holly downtown park at night tonight

Me: sure ill go , ill call the boys over later and its cold

Lea: yea whoa i gotta pee -go to the br-

Me: im almost done the food

Lea: i gotta go again dammit -pees-

Me: are you done peeing

Lea: i think so,

::10 min later::

Me: food done babe

Lea: -takes plate- thanks

Me: its hot

Lea: i dont care -shoves mouth-

Me: slow down

Lea: no im feeding for two remember

Me: yea i know so lets talk , your now 19 , the tour is over with your almost finish collage next august and. Kiesha signed you up for ultra sound this friday

Lea: my first ultra sound to see the gender im excited

Me: i know right , hey can you braid my hair into singles

Lea: nooo they take to long babe

Me: fine ill do it myself

Lea: good you should have it out for once -gets more pasta-

Me: ill be upstairs getting ready and ill be up here calling the boys

Lea: okay i love you

Me: you act like im leavine

Lea: yea but still say it back

Me: i love you to baby Lea and you too baby boy/girl

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