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Lea goes upstairs to there room

Lea: hey ra-wide eyes- What the fuck

Ray:-tries to hide the porn and lotion and tissues- ohh hey hunny

Lea: your nasty

Ray: lol well i am ray 2wice if ya nasty

Lea:-plopps on bed- im tired all the shopping for the room . Omg guess what i herd

Ray: what

Lea: prod has been acting weird he been quiet , losing weight je stopped eating alot so im going over there around 3 tomorrow

Ray: damn im going with you

Lea:-kisses - okay come down stairs and make me something to eat

Ray: what you want taco Salad

Lea: yea -goes downstairs-

Ray: -follows-

Roc: hey i brung in the bags -laughing-

Lea: tell me you aint do nothing stupid

Roc: nahh ray just has a boner

Ray:-looks down- haha very funny your so childish its my phone sticking in my pants doofus

Lea: roc go to sleep

Ray:-starts cooking-

Roc: where is my room babe -kissing her cheek-

Lea:-smirking but hurry with a straight face-

Ray: what the hell yooo stay aways from her

Roc: she was over here smiling

Lea: it was a fake smirk now your room is on this floor in the back to the left

Roc: did you say upstairs or down

Lea: On This Floor

Roc: gotch-goes to room switching hard-

Lea: i think that nigga a fag at times

Ray: -mix meat and salad and taco sauce together- yea Tell me about it

Lea:-eats- Thanks baby for the food

Ray:-smashing- No Problem

::15 min later::

Lea: are you coming to take a shower with me

Ray: uhhh-checks phone- Yea

::1hr later::

Ray: did you enjoy it

Lea: enjoy what you forced me to to be still and you stuck your zilla in and came out there was nothing to enjoys

Ray: yea you know it hurted

Lea-__- its 10:30 im tired-kisses ray- Night babe

Ray-kiss back- Night


::roc pov::

I took a nap and its now 2:30 am i dont know where i am i walked out the room i was at leanna and ray house i think i was drunk and high , i was hitting on lea for a while i remember that she is soo beautiful i went upstairs a peeked in there room and lea was sleeping so peacefully so i picked her up and put her in my room

Lea: -still sleep- Ray Give it to me

Roc: im not ray but you dont have to tell me again -rapes her put condom on-

Lea:-moaning and screaming& wakes up-

Roc:-groaning - damn babe your tight but a little loose

Lea:-Opens her eyes- omg roc get the fuck off of me i am pregnant you dumb whore

Roc: dont worry babe i wrapped it up and i didnt spread my juices yet

Lea:-pushes him off and runs to her room crying-

Ray: babe whats wrong why are you naked

Lea: h-h-he raped me roc raped me -crying hard-

Ray: -huggs her-- Shhhh i will handle him when i get up go put some clothes on and come cuddle with me

Lea:-does what she is told-

Ray: he wont bother you ever again -kiss her forehead-

Lea:-soft crying- Okay but ray im pregnant what if something happens

Ray: if he becomes something weird ill be supportive no matter what

Lea: really ? This is why im never leaving you o matter what cause you know how to make me happy sometimes

Ray: well ya know

Hey GUISE is it good , i just wanted to spice things up in the story

Thanks for reading

Is roc going to be in trouble?

Is something going to happen to cory?

Will leanna go through trouble again?

Will leanna leave ray for a while?

Coming up soon

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