At dinner

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Lea: ray im fat , i should change my outfit

Ray: baby dont say that

Lea: well ranae is making me look ugly

Ray: babe your beautiful , you went through this with cory

Lea: yea but cory wasnt making me this big

Ray: he was 4lb and 6oz

Lea: your right he was small , i hope ranaeè isnt over 9lb

Ray: yea ... CORY come here


Ray: cory "checks his room" Leanna where is cory

Lea:"goes in bathroom"

Cory: no i cant talk right now my dad is calling me , shh just stay in here . Dont destroy the house .

Lea: Cory who are you talking to

Cory: Jimmie

Lea: who is that

Cory: he doesnt want me to say

Ray: lea


Ray: your son is coco

Lea: no he just have imaginary friends

Cory: can we go to grandma now im hungry

Lea: yeah, ray grab the keys lets goo

::in car::

Lea: ray you love me right

Ray: yessss

Lea: simce you say you love me , i died would you keep paying me phone bill call my

Phone every night to hear my voice on voicemail

Ray: babe you know i hate answering death questions

Lea: then you dont love me .. Cory do you love mommy

Cory:Yess I Luv My Mommy , my mommy is the best . I love you to daddy . Your my hero

Both: thanks cory

Ray: and i do love you leanna dont ever say i dont

"Pulls up in driveway"

Lea: gimmie kiss

Ray:"peck her lips and gets out car" Come on guys

Lea: im not a guy , girl

Ray: im not a girl

Lea: sure "rings doorbell"

(They greet etc)

::at dinner table::

Lea: OMG This chicken is good you made extra i can take home

Kie: yea

Lea: okay

Ray: mom what is it you had to talk about

Kie: tay kay cory go play

Kids:"does whats told"

Kie: i know its been years , but what made yall get back together after da'sean

Lea:"soft cries" sorry hormones

Ray: well i dont know i just didnt want cory to grow up without a mom or dad

Lea:if we were split up he would live with me

I dont want my son growing up with a new mom living with you

Ray: and i dont want my son to grow up with a step dad

Lea: mhm

Kie: ray i heard you was with your best friend when you told lea come home

Ray: yea?

Kie: she told me something leanna doesnt know

Ray: mom No ,

Lea:"getting upset"

Kie: ray its the best thing to do

Ray: no mom

Lea: there is something your hiding ray , tell me

Kie: i tell her , you tell her or someone else

Ray: noooo

Kie: ill tell her then . Ray been seeing her for a weeks

Lea:"punch ray in his face" dont come home . Thank you mrs.Kiesha . i was happy to know ....Cory Lets goo !!!

Kie: Your welcome

Ray: Ma why

Kie: i think she would had to know the truth or your friend wouldve told her

And that would have been worst

Ray: whatever , now she prolly get a divorce

Kie: now you feel leanna pain ,

Ray: what do you mean

Kie: she been with da'sean for weeks , you took cory from her

You been seeying your friend for weeks , and she hurt cory . Now you hirt leanna for not telling her

Ray: i dont give a fuck anymore

::at home::

Cory: mommy where is daddy

Lea: at grandmas

Cory: why

Lea: cory leave mommy alone and go to bed

Cory: okay "kiss her forehead" feel better


Lea pov

Why god , why ray . He got me pregnant he has a son . He doesnt really love me

Why me . Why my life

"Calls destiny"

Phone convo


L:"crying" He doesnt Love me

D: Who Ray?

L: yes, he cheated

D: with who

L: that girl who hurt cory

D: well stop crying pooh

L: he been doing this for weeks

D: how you find out

L:mrs.kiesha , she told me cause she knew ray wasnt going to tell me

D: damn , ill be over to watch cory tomorrow

L:okay , I Love You

D: love you too bye poo

End of convo

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