Chapter 24: Amusement Park

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Jordan's Pov
We had just got into the park and was looking around. Will was vlogging some of it, he was gonna vlog thought the week and take some clips and make it one video.

I was looking at something when Will pulls me over. I look up at him confused.

"You nearly ran into a tree." He chuckles

"Oh that happens a lot." I giggle "So what ride do you want to go on first." I ask.

"Are there any roller coasters here." He looks down at me.

"Yea a new one just opened the other day. Follow me I'll show you the way."I grab his hand and pull him towards the new roller coaster.


It was our turn to ride the roller coaster was next. I was really excited to ride it. I squeeze Will's hand and he looks down at me.

"You ready to ride this" I say excitedly.

"I'm always ready." He says proudly.

I roll my eyes and the cart of people pull up. They all get off and then Will, I, and the other people waiting get on. Will and I were in the front, I was kinda scared.

Once everything was ready the ride started. Will grabbed my hand, I look at him and we both smile. Once we get to the top of the first hill Will and I put our hands in the air. We go down the hill and I scream really loud. All I could hear was Will laughing.


We had just finished riding all the roller coaster and we decided to play some games.

The first game we play was a ring toss. We both got 5 rings, the goal was to get my most rings on one bottle. In the end I got 3 on one bottle and Will got all 5 rings on a bottle. I got a little fish for my prize, and Will got a big Scooby-Doo.

"Lucky you got a cool prize all I got was this stupid fish." I wine.

"Do you want the Scooby?" He asks.

I look down at my feet. "Yes." I mumble.

"You can have it." I look up at him smiling. "But you have to give me a kiss first." He smirks.

"B-But I don't want boys germs." I say in a little girl voice.

"Then no Scooby for you." He chuckles.

"Fiiiiiine." I say pulling the I out.

I stand on my toes and peck his lips. I look at him and he smiles. He hands me the Scooby and I do a victory dance. When I finish dancing we both laugh hysterically. We play a couple more games and win a couple little prizes.

"So what ride is next?" Will eyes me.

"Um we're close to the Space Shot." I say.

"What's that?" He asks.

"Of well what it does is it shoots you up really quickly. The first you go up its scary but then afterwords its perfectly fine. So you wanna ride it." I raise an eyebrow.

He nods and I take him to the Space Shot. After 10 minutes of waiting in line it was our turn. We set our stuff into the side and get on. The safety bars go down and We look at each other.

"Get ready to scream." I say smiling.

"I'm not gonna scream." He says proudly.

A second later the ride starts. We go straight up and u hear Will scream. I start to laugh and I could tell had an upset look on his face. Once the rise finished we get our stuff and continue to walk around.

"I thought you weren't gonna scream." I say still laughing.

Will crosses his arms and looks the other direction.

"Come on Will, look at me." I say laughing a little bit.

He wouldn't look at me, so I know what I had to do. I gently grab his face and pull it to were he's looking at me. I smirk and kiss him. He sighs against my lips and wraps his arms around my waist, and kisses back. We pull away and smile.

"Are you still mad at me know." I smirk.

"No." He mumbles.

I giggle and we let go of each other. We walk to another ride and wait in line

-----Author's Notes-----
So the posting schedule has changed. I will be posting a chapter of this book every other day. Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. Let me know what you think in the comments and don't forget to vote. So goodbye and hope you have a wonderful day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2016 ⏰

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